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摘自 T4帝國 四照慕明 2003-06-04.09:47


Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable. ----Anonymous

沒有什麽比壹個人發現什麽東西可笑更能表現他的性格。 ---無名

Nobody ever died of laughter. ----Max.Beerbohm

沒人曾經笑死。 ----馬克西米連。比爾伯姆

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ----Victor Borge


The most wasted day of all is that during which we have not laughed. -----Sebastian R.N.Chamfort

最浪費的日子是沒有笑聲的日子。 ---塞巴斯蒂安。查姆福特

If you don't learn to laugh at troubles, you won't have anything to laugh at when you grow old. ---Edward W.Howe

如果妳不學會在麻煩時笑,當妳變老時,妳不會對任何東西笑。 ---愛徳華。豪

Perhaps I know why it is man alone who laughs; He alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.


也許我知道為什麽人在孤獨時笑:他獨自受苦良深,他不的不發明笑。 ---尼采

The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. ---Mark Twain

人類確有壹件有效武器,那就是笑。 ---馬克。吐溫

Humor is an affirmation of man's dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him.

-----Romain Cary

幽默是人的尊嚴的肯定,是人對降臨於他的所有東西的優越感的宣言。 ---加裏

Wit is the lowest form of humor.-------Alexander Pope

智力是幽默的最低形式。 ----亞裏山大。波普

Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.-----Anonymous

現實能被足夠的想象力所擊敗。 ----無名

There is a boundary to men's passionwhen the act from feelings ;but none when the under the influence of imagination.

---Edmund Burke

當人們憑感覺行動時,離激情有壹條邊界;當人們在想象力的推動下則沒有次界線。 ----埃德蒙。伯克

To imagine is everything ,to know is nothing at all-----Anatole France

想象意味著壹切,而了解什麽也不是。 ---安納圖勒。法朗士

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality. ----Jules De Gautier

想象力是對現實的戰爭的唯壹武器。 ---朱爾斯。第。戈蒂埃

Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.


想象力有鍛煉成長,並且與普通看法相反,它在成熟時比幼稚是更有力。 ----W。S。毛姆

You see things as they are and ask, "why" I dream things as they never were and ask, "why not?" -----Bernard Shaw

人們看見事物的現狀,通常問“為什麽是”; 而我夢見事物的異狀,問“為什麽不?” ----肖伯納

Consistency is the last resort of the unimaginative. ----Oscar Wilde

壹致性是缺乏想象力的最後樂園。 ---奧斯卡。瓦爾德

I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the

heart cannot feel. ----Peter Zarlenga

我就是想象力。我能看見眼睛不能看見的東西,我能聽見耳多不能聽見的東西,我能感到內心不能感到的東西。 ---彼得。紮倫阿

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. ---Winston Churchill

未來的帝國是頭腦的帝國。 ----溫斯頓。丘吉爾

Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open. ---Lord Thomas Dewar

頭腦就像降落傘壹樣。它們張開時工作得很好。 ---托馬斯。德瓦爵士

Nuture your mind with great thoughts. ----Benjamin Disraeli

用偉大的思想養育妳的頭腦。 ----本傑明。迪斯雷利

When all men think alike, no one thinks very much. ----Walter Lippmann

當所有的人都壹樣想時,沒人再想那麽多。 ----沃爾特。李普曼

Thinking: The talking of the soul with itself. ----Plato

思想:靈魂與自己的談話。 ---柏拉圖

摘自 T4帝國 四照慕明 2003-06-04.09:47
