1、把精神說清楚是壹個巨大的誘惑。——維特根斯坦? Clarify spirit is a great temptation。
2、人不能兩次踏入同壹條河流,因為無論是這條河還是這個人都已經不同。——赫拉克利特? Man cannot step ice into the same river, for both the river and the people are different。
3、權利的相互轉讓就是人們所謂的契約。——霍布斯? Mutual transfer of rights is the people of the so-called contract。
4、壹切確定的皆否定。——斯賓諾莎? All sure all negative。
5、人類的生命,並不能以時間長短來衡量,心中充滿愛時,剎那即永恒。——尼采? Human's life, and cannot be measured in length, in the heart full of love, the moments is eternal。
6、我除了知道我的無知這個事實外壹無所知。——蘇格拉底? I know nothing except that the fact that my ignorance。
7、客觀世界只是精神原始的,還沒有意識的詩篇。——謝林? The objective world is spirit of the original, there has been no consciousness of the poem。
8、人性壹個最特別的弱點就是:在意別人如何看待自己。——叔本華? One of the most special human nature weakness is: care about how others see themselves。
9、存在就是合理,合理的也都要存在。——黑格爾? Existence is reasonable, and reasonable to exist。
10、誰占有法律語言誰就占有相關的資源和利益。——布迪厄? Whoever has a legal language has related resources and interests。
11、人生的本質在於運動,安謐寧靜就是死亡。——帕斯卡? The essence of life lies in sports, quiet quiet is death。
12、水是萬物之本源,萬物終歸於水。——泰勒斯? Water is the source of all things, all things end up in water。
13、思想不是妳要它來它便來,而是由它自己決定它的來去。——叔本華? Ideas are not you want it to it, but is decided by its own it e and go。
14、人的本性就是追求個人利益。——亞當斯密? Human nature is the pursuit of personal interests。
15、人充滿勞績,但還詩意地安居於大地之上。——荷爾德林? People full of merits and acplishments, but also on the earth poetically。
16、人們懼怕自由和責任,所以人們寧願藏身在自鑄的樊籠中。——弗蘭茨?卡夫卡? People are afraid of freedom and responsibility, so people prefer to hide in the casting bearing。
17、我手中的燈籠,使眼前黑暗的路途與我為敵。——泰戈爾? The lanterns of my hands, eyes dark journey with me。
18、我不同意妳所說的每壹個字,但我誓死捍衛妳說話的權力。——伏爾泰? I don't agree with every word you say, but I defend to the death your power of speech。
19、知識歸根結底由經驗而來。——洛克? Knowledge in the final *** ysis by experience。
20、只有那些從不仰望星空的人,才不會跌入坑中。——泰勒斯? Only those who are never look up at the starry sky, don't fall into a pit。
21、給我物質,我就用它造出壹個宇宙來。——康德? Matter to me, I will use it to create a universe。
22、凡是活著的就應當活下去。——費爾巴哈? Those who live should live。
23、存在著兩種不同類型的無知,粗淺的無知存在於知識之前,博學的無知存在於知識之後。——蒙田? There are o different types of ignorance, shallow ignorance exists in knowledge, knowledge of ignorance exist in knowledge。
24、人最容易忘記的是自己。——克爾凱戈爾? One is the most easy to fet himself。
25、人在生存每壹瞬間,都是在必然性掌握之中的被動工具。——霍爾巴赫? People living in every moment, are among the necessity to master the passive tool。
26、物體的意義是通過它被己身看到的方向而確定的。——梅羅?龐蒂? The meaning of the object is the direction of the body to see through it and sure。
27、凡夫俗子只關心如何去打發時間,而略具才華的人卻考慮如何應用時間。——叔本華? Common people only care about how to kill time, but slightly talented people to consider how to use time。
28、世界上沒有兩片完全相同的樹葉。——萊布尼茨? There are no o identical leaves in the world。
29、人生在世,不過是過路的旅客。——托馬斯?阿奎那? In life, but is passing travelers。
30、人首先是個把自我向著壹個未來推進而且知道自已正是這樣做的生物。——薩特? People first is a push toward a future self and knowing that he was exactly the same way。
31、真理是時間的產物,而不是權威的產物。——培根? Truth is the product of time, not the product of authority。
32、人的意識屈從於物化結構。——盧卡奇? The consciousness of the people succumb to physical and chemical structure。
33、人是萬物的尺度,是存在者如何存在的尺度,也是非存在者的尺度。——普羅泰戈拉? Man is the measure of all things is, how to measure of is, is also existed。
34、人生在世,不過是過路的旅客。——托馬斯?阿奎那? In life, but is passing travelers。 Thomas。
35、哲學家們只是用不同的方式解釋世界,而問題在於改變世界。——馬克思? Just in different ways do philosophers interpret the world, the problem is to change the world。
36、人人生而自由平等。——盧梭? Human beings are born free equality。
37、幸福不過是欲望的暫時停止。——叔本華? Happiness is but a desire to temporarily stop。
38、萬物所由之而生的東西,萬物消滅後復歸於它。——阿那克西曼德? All things are born of the things, all things are eliminated returned to it。
39、假如進化的歷史重來壹遍,人的出現概率是零。——古德爾? If to evolutionary history again, the emergence of probability is zero。
40、不能制約自己的人,不能稱之為自由的人。——畢達哥拉斯? Can't restrict themselves, can't call it freedom。
41、世界是事實的總和,而非事物的總和。——維特根斯坦? The world is the sum of the facts, rather than the sum of things。
42、萬物的和平在於秩序的平衡,秩序就是把平等和不平等的事物安排在各自適當的位置上。——奧古斯丁? All things is that the balance of the order of peace, order is scheduled the equality and inequality in their proper position。