Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來到花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來到花花世界
We got fun n' games 我們有很多有趣的遊戲
We got everything you want 我們有妳想要的壹切
Honey, we know the names 寶貝兒 我們知道名字的
We are the people that can find 我們隨時等著妳
Whatever you may need 無論妳需要什麽
If you got the money只要妳有錢
Honey, we got your disease寶貝兒 我們知道妳缺什麽
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Watch it bring you to your sha na...... knees, knees看著妳在叢林裏屈服
I wanna watch you bleed 看著妳流血真刺激
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來到花花世界
We take it day by day 我們如此度過每壹天
If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price you pay 什麽都得的到,只要妳舍的下血本兒
And you're a very sexy girl 妳是個非常性感的女孩
That's very hard to please妳也很難被滿足
You can taste the bright lights妳可以嘗到甜頭
But you won't get them for free 但妳別想著撿便宜
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Feel my, my, my serpentine 我的欲望向妳蜿蜒前行
I, I wanna hear you scream 我,我想聽見妳的尖叫
Welcome to the jungle歡迎來花花世界
It gets worse here every day在這裏壹天天的變壞
Ya learn to live like an animal,妳得學著象野獸壹樣生存,
in the jungle where we play 在我們遊戲的花花世界裏
If you got a hunger for what you see 要是妳對什麽東西眼饞的話,
you'll take it eventually 沒問題,妳會得到它
You can have anything you want 妳能夠得到妳想要的壹切,
but you better not take it from me 但妳別想從我這取走壹分壹毫
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Watch it bring you to your sha na...... knees, knees 看著妳在花花世界裏屈服
I wanna watch you bleed 看著妳流血真刺激
And when you're high you never 當妳感覺興奮的時候
Ever want to come down so down...... yeah ! 妳永遠不會想要停下
You know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby ! 妳知道妳在那裏,寶貝妳在花花世界裏
You're gonna die! 妳等死吧
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Watch it bring you to your sha na...... knees, knees 看著妳在花花世界裏屈服
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Feel my, my, my serpentine 我的欲望向妳蜿蜒前行
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Watch it bring you to your sha na...... knees, knees 看著妳在花花世界裏屈服
In the jungle 在花花世界
Welcome to the jungle 歡迎來花花世界
Watch it bring you to your 看他讓妳
It's gonna bring you down Ha !看著他讓妳屈服,哈! She's got a smile that it seems to me 她的微笑總會讓我想起
Reminds me of childhood memories 那段遙遠的童年的記憶
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky 那裏壹切有如晴空般湛藍
Now and then when I see her face 當我凝視著那張臉龐
She takes me away to that special place 她就帶我前往那方樂土
And if I stared too long 有時當我流連忘返
I'd probably break down and cry 就難以抑制心中那份頹然悲傷
Ow Sweet child o' mine 哦 我恬美的愛人
Ow Sweet love of mine 哦 我甜美的愛情
She's got eyes of the bluest skies 她眼中的那抹深藍如此純粹
As if they thought of rain 有如回憶裏欲雨的碧空
I hate to look into those eyes 我只怕直視那壹潭靜水
And see an ounce of pain 看到湖底那沈寂的憂傷
Her hair reminds me 她的秀發總會讓我想起
Of a warm safe place 那個溫暖安全的角落
Where as a child I'd hide 兒時的我常在那裏躲藏
And pray for the thunder and the rain 祈禱著那暴風驟雨
To quietly pass me by 能悄悄離開身旁
Ow Sweet child o' mine 哦 我甜美的愛人
Ow Sweet love of mine 哦 我甜美的愛情
Where do we go 何去何從
Where do we go now 何去何從
Where do we go 何去何從啊
Sweet child o' mine 我恬美的愛人
Where do we go now 我們何去何從
ah ah aiai
Where do we go now 何去何從
Where do we go now 而今我們何去何從
Where do we go 何去何從
Where do we go now
sweet child of mine 我甜美的愛人