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\r\nA good marksman may miss. \r\nA good conscience is a soft pillow. 好書壹本, no gains. 好的名望勝於好的相貌. 問心無愧. 閃光的不壹定都是金子.吃得苦中苦. \r\nAll that glitters is not gold,there is a way 有誌者事竟成\r\nA good book is a light to the soul. 良友如近親. \r\nA good heart conquers ill fortune,必有壹失. 智者千慮. 善心克厄運No pains,高枕無憂\r\nA good fame is better than a good face. \r\nA good friend is my nearest relation,方為人上人\r\nwhere is a will,照亮心靈