1、憂愁、顧慮和悲觀,可以使人得病;積極、愉快和堅強的意誌和樂觀的情緒,可以戰勝疾病,更可以使人強壯和長壽。——巴甫洛夫Sorrow, fear and pessimi *** , can make people sick; Positive, happy and strong will and optimi *** , can conquer disease, more can make people strong and long life。
2、人生有兩出悲劇。壹是萬念俱灰;另壹是躊躇滿誌。——蕭伯納There are o tragedy in life。 One is the apathy; The other is hopeful。
3、生活的悲劇不在於人們受到多少苦,而在於人們錯過了什麽。——卡萊爾The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss。
4、笑,就是陽光,它能消除人們臉止的冬色。——雨果Smile, be sunshine, it can eliminate the face of winter color。
5、工作就是人生的價值,人生的歡樂,也是幸福之所在。——羅丹The value of work is life, the joy of life, is also happiness。
6、樂觀是希望的明燈,它指引著妳從危險峽谷中步向坦途,使妳得到新的生命、新的希望,支持著妳的理想永不泯滅。——達爾文Optimi *** is the lamp of hope, it guided you step from the dangerous valley to the royal road to learning, make you get a new life, new hope, support the cause of you will never end。
7、體育和運動可以增進人體的健康和人的樂觀情緒,而樂觀情緒卻是長壽的壹項必要條件。——勒柏辛斯卡婭Sports and exercise can improve the health of human body and man of optimi *** , but the optimi *** is a necessary condition of longevity。
8、所謂內心的快樂,是壹個人過著健全的正常的和諧的生活所感到的快樂。——羅曼·羅蘭The so-called inner happiness, is a person living in harmony sound normal felt happy。
9、真正的快樂是內在的,它只有在人類的心靈裏才能發現。——布雷默True happiness is inside, it can only be found in the hearts of men。
10、當妳習慣於悲觀時,它就會像樂觀壹樣令人愉快。——本涅特When you are used to pessimi *** , it would be like optimistic cheerful。
11、人生至善,就是對生活樂觀,對工作愉快,對事業興奮。——布蘭登Good life, is optimistic about life, to work, to cause the excitement。
12、希望是厄運的忠實的姐妹。——普希金Hope is the faithful sisters of fate。
13、善惡只在壹念之間,悲歡貧富亦復如此。——斯賓塞Good and evil is only beeen a read, and so are rich and the poor。
14、樂觀主義的謊言有著如此巨大的治。——美國Optimi *** lies with such a great treat。
15、智的人決不坐下來為失敗而哀號,他們壹定樂觀地尋找辦法來加以挽救。——莎士比亞Wise man will not sit down and cry for the failure, they must be looking for ways to save them with optimi *** 。
16、妳明白,人的壹生,既不是人們想象的那麽好,也不是那麽壞。——莫泊桑You know, human life, is not people imagination of so good, it's not so bad。
17、快樂應該是美德的伴侶。——巴爾德斯Happiness should be the panion of virtue。
18、當壹個人用工作去迎接光明,光明很快就會來照耀著他。——馮學峰When a man use work to wele the light, the light will soon e over him。
19、捧著壹顆心,不帶半根草去。——陶行知Holding a heart, don't take half a piece of grass。
20、如果人是樂觀的,壹切都有抵抗,壹切都能抵抗,壹切都會增強抵抗力。——瞿秋白If the person is optimistic, everything there is resistance, can resist everything, everything will be greater resistance。
21、我相信過,如果懷著愉快的心情談起悲傷的事情,悲傷就會煙消雲散。——高爾基With great pleasure, I believe, if like talking about sadness, sadness will be gone。
22、我要微笑著面對整個世界,當我微笑的時候全世界都在對我笑。——喬吉拉德I want to *** ile in the face of the whole world, when I *** ile the whole world is laughing at me。
23、不會寬容別人的人,是不配受到別人的寬容的。但是誰能說自己是不需要寬容的呢?——屠格涅夫Not tolerant of others, it is unworthy of the tolerance of other people。 But who can say to oneself is not to need to?
24、心情愉快是肉體和精神的最好衛生法。——喬治·桑Cheerfulness is the best physical and mental health law。
25、充滿著歡樂與鬥爭精神的人們,永遠帶著歡樂,歡迎雷霆與陽光。——赫胥黎Is full of joy and fighting spirit of the people, and always with the joy, wele thunder and sunshine。
26、烏雲後面依然是燦爛的晴天。——朗弗羅Behind the clouds is still a bright sunny day。
27、壹個人應該:活潑而守紀律,天真而不幼稚,勇敢而魯莽,倔強而有原則,熱情而不沖動,樂觀而不盲目。——馬克思One should be: lively but disciplined, innocent but not childish, courageous and rash, unyielding but principled, enthusiastic but not impulsive, optimistic but not blind。
28、樂觀使妳傾向於幸福健康事業順利,悲觀使妳傾向於絕望患病失敗憂郁孤獨懦怯。——民諺Optimi *** makes you tend to be happy and healthy career, make you tend to be pessimistic despair sick sad lonely fear failure。
29、永遠以積極樂觀的心態去拓展自己和身外的世界。—— *** Always with a positive and optimistic attitude to extend of themselves and the outside world。
30、能看到每件事情的好的壹面,並養成壹種習慣,還真是千金不換的珍寶。——約翰遜Can see the good side of everything, and a kind of habit, is thousand voice treasures。
31、樂觀的人,牙齒落完也不老。——維吾爾族Is not optimistic, teeth fall out old。
32、誰要是想著將來,就有生活的意義和目的。——赫塞If anyone thinking about the future, there is a life of meaning and purpose。
33、當生活像壹首歌那樣輕快流暢時,笑顏常開乃易事;而在壹切事都不妙時仍能微笑的人,是真正的樂觀。——威爾科克斯When life like a song, light *** ooth, *** ile often open is easy; In all things that go wrong can still *** ile, is the real optimi *** 。
34、告訴妳使我達到目標的奧秘吧,我唯壹的力量就是我的堅持精神。——巴斯德Tell you the mystery of the enable me to reach the goal, my only strength is I adhere to the spirit。
35、不應該迫求壹切種類的快樂,應該只追求高尚的快樂。——德謨克利特Should not pursuit all kinds of happiness, should only pursue noble happy。
36、悲觀的人雖生猶死,樂觀的人永生不老。——拜倫Pessimistic people have ceased to live, optimistic person never dies。
37、生活真象這杯濃酒,不經三番五次的提煉呵,就不會這樣可口!——郭小川Life like this cup of liquor, without repeatedly refining oh, would not be so delicious!
38、樂觀主義者總是想象自己實現了目標的情景。——西尼加Optimists always picture themselves acplishing their goals。
39、只有把抱怨環境的心情,化為上進的氣力,才是成功的保證。——羅曼·羅蘭Only you turn your plaints of environments into the strength to strive for the better is the guarantee of success。
40、為了在生活中努力發揮自己的作用,熱愛人生吧。——羅丹In order to try to play their role in life, love of life。
41、誰若遊戲人生,他就壹事無成;誰不主宰自己,永遠是壹個奴隸。——歌德If who is the game of life, he acplishes nothing; Who does not dominate oneself, is always a slave。
42、真正的快樂,是對生活的樂觀,對工作的愉快,對事業的熱心。——愛因斯坦The real happiness, is optimistic about life, happy to work, enthusia *** for the cause。
43、壹切的和諧與平衡,健康與健美,成功與幸福,都是由樂觀與希望的向上心理產生與造成的。——華盛頓All the harmony and balance, health and fitness, success and happiness, are produced by the upward psychology of optimi *** and hope and cause。
44、生活的美妙就在於它的豐富多彩,要使生活變得有趣,就不斷地充實它。——高爾基The beauty of life is its rich and colorful, to make life interesting, constantly enrich it。
45、作為壹個人,要是不經歷過人世上的悲歡離合,不跟生活打過交手仗,就不可能懂得人生的意義。——楊朔As a person, if you don't experience the world people sensitized, not fought against battle with life, it is impossible to understand the meaning of life。
46、往往並不是我們的思想決定樂觀還是悲觀,而是我們生理和病理引起的樂觀或者悲觀意識形成自己的思想。——烏納穆諾Often is not our thoughts decide whether optimistic or pessimistic, but we are optimistic or pessimistic consciousness caused by physiological and pathological form their own ideas。
47、不管怎樣的事情,都請安靜地愉快吧!這是人生。我們要依樣地接受人生,勇敢地、大膽地,而且永遠地微笑著。——盧森堡No matter what kind of things, please be quiet a delight! This is life。 We want to accept a life according to kind, brave, bold, and always *** iling。
48、樂觀的人永葆青春。——拜倫Optimistic person eternal youth。