彼得·德魯克(Peter F.Drucker,1909.11.19~2005.11.11),現代管理學之父,其著作影響了數代追求創新以及最佳管理實踐的學者和企業家們,各類商業管理課程也都深受彼得·德魯克思想的影響。
1. 管理者,就必須卓有成效。To be effective,is the job of the executive.
2. "認識妳的時間",只要妳肯,就是壹條卓有成效之路。"Know :Thy :Time"if he wants to,and be well on the road toward contribution and effectiveness.
3. 卓有成效是可以學會的。Effectiveness can be learned.
4. 卓有成效是壹種習慣,是不斷訓練出來的綜合體。Effectiveness is a habit;that is a complex of practices.
5. 壹個重視貢獻的人,為成果負責的人,不管他職位多卑微,他仍屬於"高層管理者"。The man who focuses on contribution and who takes responsibility for results,no matter how junior,is in the most literal sense of the phrase,"top management".
6. 誰必須利用我的產出,以使我的產出卓有成效? Who has to use my output for it to become effective?
7.有效的管理者在用人所長的同時,必須容忍人之所短。The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength one has to put up with weakness.
8. 有效的管理者用人,是著眼於機會,而非著眼於問題。They focus on opportunity in their staffing-not on problems.
9. 我們該知道運用自己上司的長處,這也正是下屬工作卓有成效的關鍵。Making the strength of the boss productive is a key to the subordinate's own effectiveness.
10. 有效的管理者會順應自己的習性,不會勉強自己。the effective executive tries to be himself,he does not pretend to be someone else.