All is well的中文意思是壹切順利。
詞匯分析音標:[?l ?z ?wel]
短語Hope all is well?希望壹切安好 ; 希望壹切都好 ; 希望今後壹切都好 ; 希望我們壹切都很好
all is well good?都是很好 ; 壹切都很好很好 ; 正在翻譯
Paradise all is well?天堂壹切安好
Well all is well?心態好壹切都好 ; 所有 ; 和壹切都好 ; 好
All is well you?壹切都好嗎
all is well detail?諸事順心
拓展雙語例句1、Indeed, there is, so it performs this conversion, and all is well.?
2、A philosopher once coined an adage: “Today is the tomorrow you worried about, and all is well.
3、And all is well, provided that the light returns and that the eclipse does not degenerate into night.?
4、But all is well, now. You want your kids back, fake cardiac arrest!?
5、Because of the fear of rejection and stigma many women just pretend or continue breastfeeding, as if all is well.?