在復合句中起名詞作用的從句叫名詞性從句 (Noun Clauses)。名詞從句的功能相當於名詞詞組, 它在復合句中能擔任主語、賓語、表語、同位語、介詞賓語等,因此根據它在句中不同的語法功能,名詞從句又可分為:主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句。
1).How the book will sell depends on its author. (主語位置,主語從句)
2).John said that he was leaving for London onWednesday. (謂語動詞後面,賓語從句)
3).The fact is that he has not been seen recently. (系動詞後面,表語從句)
4).He will talk to us about what he saw in U.S.(介詞後面,賓語從句)
5).It is impossible that I go and attend themeeting. (主語從句)
6). The fact that hehad not said anything surprised everybody. (同位語從句)
連接詞:1. that; 2. whether; 3. what/where/when/which/wh-ever/
可使用的名詞性從句: 1.主、賓、表、同; 2.主、賓、表、同; 3.主、賓、表、(同)
是否充當從句的句子成分: 1.否;2. 否;3. 是
可否省略:1.動詞後賓從中可省;2.否; 3.否
可否用其他詞代替1.否 ;2.動詞後賓從可用it代替; 3.否
that 和 what都可引導所有的名詞從句。但是,what除起連接作用外,還在名詞性從句中_作成分_,可做從句的主語、賓語、或表語。而that在名詞性從句中_不作成分_。
1).______ he wants is a book.
2). ______? he wants to go there is obvious.
3).The result is ______ we won the game.
4).This is _____ we want toknow.
5).We should pay attention to ______ the teacher is saying.
6). We are interested in the news______ some foreigners would visit our school.
1). I asked her __________she had a bike.
2). We’re worried about________ he is safe.
3). ________? we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.
4). The question is_________ he should do it.
5). I don’t know ___________ he is well or not.
6). I don’t know _______ to go.
Summary 總結 (不能使用if 的情況):
總結:1). if只能用在動詞後的賓語從句,不能用在介詞後的賓語從句
2).if 不能用在主語從句中
3). if 不能用在表語從句中
4). whether or not 連在壹起引導賓語從句時不用if.
5). whether to do 做動詞賓語, 不能用if todo.
主要根據名詞性從句中的具體意義,正確的選擇who、which、when、where、why、how 等連接詞,這些連接詞既具有疑問含義,又起連接作用,同時在從句中充當各種成分。
我們何時舉行運動會還沒有決定。________ we shall hold our sports meeting is notdecided.
我不知道昨天誰打破了玻璃。I don’t know _________ broke the glass yesterday.
我不知道他長的什麽樣子。I have no idea _________ he looks like.
這就是我忘記眼鏡的地方。This is _________ I left my glasses.
考點1. 語序問題
1).No one can be sure ____ in a million years.
what will man look like? B. what man will look like
C. man will look like what D. what look will man like
2).You can’t imagine ____ when they received thesenice Christmas presents.
A. how they were excited B. how excited they were
C. how excited were they ? D. they were how excited
考點2. 時態問題
1). He said that he will go tothe station. 改錯()
2). Our physics teacher once told us that light__________ ( travel ) faster than sound.
3). Tom says that Mary ____ (go) abroad last year and _________ (be)there for nearly 5 months
考點3. 主謂壹致問題
何時開會還沒有決定。 When the meeting will begin _____(have) not been decided yet
他們何時出發和他們去哪裏還沒有決定。When they will start and where they will go______(have) been still unknown.
何時何地開會還沒有決定When and where the meeting will begin _____ (have) not been decided yet.
考點4. it作形式賓語和形式主語問題
1). I think_____ worthwhile that we spent so much money on these books.
2). _____ is hard to decide when and where we will held our sports meeting.
總結:當主語從句較長,而謂語較短時,常常將從句_放後_,而用it 作為形式主語置於句首。it也可作形式賓語。
1). It iso bvious to the students ______ they should get well prepared for theirfuture.
A. as ? B. which ? C. whether ? D. that
2). When asked _____ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.
A. what B. why C. whom D. which
寫作中,得高分的方法之壹: 改造低級句型,讓妳的英語靚起來
原句: 1)He gave me something.? 2)It was a Christmas present and a heart full oflove.
改裝後:What hegave me was a heart s not only aChristmas present but also full of love
原句: 1)Some of the happiest people in the world are thosepeople.
2)Those people help to bring happiness to others.? 3)Volunteersbelieve it .
改裝後:1)Some of the happiest people in the world are thosewho help to bring happiness to others. .
2)Volunteers believe that some of the happiest peoplein the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.
THE KEY:? 1. what, that, that,what, what, that? 2. if/wheter, 其余都是whether? 3. when,who, what, where
1. BB? 2. will 改為would, travels, went, has been 3. has, have, has 4. it, It 高考鏈接: DA
怎麽樣,新技能get到木有,快回家試著改改妳的作文吧,爭取下次亮瞎老師的——(呃 ?)老眼!