當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 人生格言 - 鬼泣3但丁的經典語錄。


Mission 1

Not open for business yet. 對不起,尚未營業。

Mission 2

I hope you all have enough to cover all this! 我希望妳們都有能力負擔得起這筆賬!

Mission 3

How about I take you out for a walk?我帶妳出去遛遛如何?

It's showtime!是時候秀壹場了!

Too easy! 易如反掌!

Mission 4

Get to the point.說重點!

Mission 5

No Talking! 不要廢話了!

Mission 7

I'm beginning to think I've got rotten luck with women. 我開始相信自己和女人不對味。

I just don't like you, that's all.我只是看妳不爽,就是這樣。

Mission 9

Now that's what I'm talking about. 那正是我所希望的。

Mission 10

Well that was quick. 速度驚人。

I love a fast woman. 我喜歡幹凈利落的女人。

Mission 11

Aww, you poor thing. Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a door? 啊,可憐的孩子。難道妳的母親沒有教會妳怎麽使用門嗎?

Gimme a break. Tell ya what, next time I'll try and wear some cologne, okay? 把戲結束了。我下次會記得噴古龍香水的,行嗎?

Cut me some slack!放松點!

Mission 12

Too bad there's no body here to enjoy the show.太可惜了沒有人旁觀這場表演。

Mission 13

You seem to be in a bad mood. 妳看起來心情很糟

I'm sure you have time for one more game, right?我想妳肯定有時間來玩壹局,對吧?

Come and get it, if you can! 來拿我的命,如果妳能的話!

This is no place for a little girl.這裏沒有小女孩的位置。

Dude, the show's over! 老兄,表演結束了!

Mission 16

Now, get out of my way or there'll be some consequences.現在,從我的視線裏消失否則後果自負。

How much is it gonna cost me? 我該怎麽付帳?

Mission 17

I don't need you anymore.我不再需要妳了。

Mission 19

It's like staring into a backed-up toilet.就像盯著壹個倒吊的廁所。

Don't you have any hobbies?妳就沒有其他愛好嗎?

Dude, my father wasn't so hideous. Can't you tell by looking at me?夥計,我父親可沒妳那麽醜陋。看看我再說吧

Look at you……making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my spotlight. 看看妳……如此戲劇性的登場把我的風頭都給蓋住了。


Mission 20

And now my soul is saying it wants to stop you!而現在我的靈魂在說必須要阻止妳!

No way, you got your own. 沒門,妳有妳自己的那壹半。

It's only the rain. 不過是雨水罷了。

This is what I live for!我就是為此而活!