當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 人生格言 - 英語是誰發明的?(用英文解答)


English originated in the "English National History" (History of the English Spea king Peoples), a book, once described in the British Paleolithic : Obviously, naked or dressed in hides and skins of those men and women foraging in the primitive forests, in the marsh or covered. Dacaotan As they say in the language, there is no historical data available. In about 600 BC in 3000. Iberians (Iberians) from the Mediterranean island to British settlers. They brought to the British Neolithic (Neolithic) culture. Meanwhile earlier in the conquest of the Old Stone Age people living there. About 500 years from 2500, the Celtics; (Celts) from the European mainland invasion and occupation of the British Isles. Celtics initially living in southern Germany. They are the first European Society of the manufacture and use of iron and gold ornaments in the nation; Before the conquest of Britannia, They had to conquer today's France, Spain : Portugal, Italy; British came, Celtics part in today's Ireland and Scotland settled down. Today, the rest of the occupied part of southern and eastern England. Wherever he went, they carried out brutal killings of Iberians. Celtics stresses Celtic. Today, more people live in the mountains in the north and west of Scotland Gaels (Gaels) still using this language. Prior to Celtic in the English language can be found in British island is the only basis for the earliest historical significance.


在其《說英語的民族史》(History of the English Speaking Peoples)壹書中,曾這樣描寫居住在不列顛的舊石器人:很明顯,那些赤身裸體或只披著獸皮的男人和女人或覓食於原始密林之中,或涉獵於沼澤、草灘至於他們所說的語言,尚無史料可查。大約在公元前3000年,伊比利亞人(Iberians)從地中海地區來到不列顛島定居。他們給不列顛帶來了新石器(Neolithic)文化,同時征服了先前在那兒居住的舊石器人。大約從公元前500年開始,凱爾特人;(Celts)從歐洲大陸進犯並占領了不列顛諸島。凱爾特人最初居住在今天德國南部地區,他們是歐洲最早學會制造和使用鐵器和金制裝飾品的民族;在征服不列顛之前,他們曾征服了今天的法國、西班牙:葡萄牙、意大利等地區;來到不列顛後,壹部分凱爾特人在今天的愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭定居下來,其余的壹部分占領了今天的英格蘭的南部和東部。每到壹處,他們都對伊比利亞人進行殘酷的殺戳。凱爾特人講凱爾特語。今天居住在蘇格蘭北部和西部山地的蓋爾人(Gaels)仍使用這種語言。在英語形成之前凱爾特語是在不列顛島上所能發現的唯壹具有史料依據的最早的格言。