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 “Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and alittle less time trying to impress people.” – Richard Vernon, Breakfast Club

 “少花點時間去取悅別人,多花些時間來經營自己。”——理查德·弗農(Richard Vernon),《早餐俱樂部》(Breakfast Club)


 “Deliberate cruelty is unforgivable, and the onething of which I have never, ever been guilty of.” Blanche, A Streetcar Named Desire

 “刻意傷害別人不可原諒,我從未這樣做,也無需因此而感到愧疚。”——布蘭奇(Blanche), 《欲望號街車》(A Street car Named Desire)


 “Prejudice always obscures truth.” – 12 Angry Men

 “偏見往往會模糊了真相。”——《十二怒漢》(12 Angry Men)


 “We all come into this world with our little egosequipped with individual horns. If we don’t blow them, who else will?” –Addison De Witt, All aboutEve

 “我們每個人都帶著自信的號角來到這個世界,如果我們自己不去吹響這個自信之號,還有誰會呢?”——艾迪生·德威特(Addison De Witt),《彗星美人》(All about Eve)


 “There’s only one person who’s going to decide whatI’m going to do and that’s me.” – Charles Foster Kane, Citizen Kane

 “只有壹個人可以決定我要做什麽,那就是我自己。”——查爾斯·福斯特·凱恩(Charles FosterKane),《公民凱恩》(Citizen Kane)


 “In every job that must be done, there is anelement of fun. You find the fun, and snap, the job’s a game.” – Marry Poppins,Marry Poppins

 “每壹份必須完成的工作中都蘊藏著許多樂趣。壹旦找到其中的樂趣,妳就會發現,工作其實就是個遊戲。” ——瑪麗·波平斯(Marry Poppins),《歡樂滿人間》(Marry Poppins)


 “I wanna be free. I wanna be gay and have fun.Life’s short. And I wanna live while I’m alive.” – Helen, Hell’s Angels

 “我想要自由。我想要快樂。人生短暫,趁活著,好好活。”——海倫(Helen),《地獄天使》(Hell’s Angels)


 “Love is eternal. It has been the strongestmotivation for human actions throughout history. Love is stronger than life.” –Laura, Laura



 Wizard of Oz: “As for you, my galvanized friend,you want a heart. You don’t know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts willnever be practical until they can be made unbreakable.”

 Tin Woodsman: “But I still want one.” – Wizardof Oz

 奧茲巫師(Wizard of Oz):“還有妳,鐵皮人,妳說想要擁有壹顆心,可妳不知道沒有心是多麽的幸運。因為心其實壹點用都沒有,除非妳讓它變得堅不可摧。”

 鐵皮人樵夫(Tin Woodsman):“可我還是想要壹顆心。”——《綠野仙蹤》(Wizard of Oz)


 “My mamma always said, 'Life is like a box ofchocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get'” Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump

 “我媽媽說,'生活就像壹盒巧克力;妳永遠都不知道下壹顆是什麽味道。’”阿甘(Forrest Gump),《阿甘正傳》(Forrest Gump)


 “If you want to view paradise, simply look aroundand view it. Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world? There’snothing to it.” Willy Wonka, WillyWonka and the Chocolate Factory

 “如果妳想欣賞天堂的美景,那四處看看,就看到了。想做什麽,就盡管去做。想要改變世界?那也沒什麽不可能。”——威利·旺卡(Willy Wonka),《查理的巧克力工廠》(Charlie and theChocolate Factory)


 “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the bestof things, and no good thing ever dies.” – Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption
