當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 傷感說說 - 劍橋少兒英語口語壹級:水果與蔬菜的派對


Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party


—Hello,boys and girls.Let's have a fruit and vegetable party.First,let's welcome Miss Pear.


—Next,let's welcome Mr.Potato.接下來,歡迎土豆先生。

—Now let's welcome them to dance together. 現在讓我們歡迎他們壹起來跳舞。

1)Miss Pear and Mr.Potato. 梨小姐和土豆先生。

2)Miss Bean and Mr.Banana. 豆子小姐和香蕉先生。

3)Miss Carrot and Mr.Orange. 胡蘿蔔小姐和橙子先生。

4)Miss Lemon and Mr.Tomato. 檸檬小姐和番茄先生。

5)Miss Apple and Mr.Bean. 蘋果小姐和豆先生。

6)Miss Pineapple and Mr.Lime. 菠蘿小姐和青檸先生。

—Mr.Lime,please! 青檸先生,請!

—Go away! 走開!

—Which is Miss Pear? 哪位是梨小姐?

帶 e 的單詞

he 他 she 她 me 我 Peter 彼得 we 我們


The arms can go up and down. 擡手放下。

The arms can go up and down. 擡手放下。

Hi!Ho!HI!HO! 嘿吼嘿吼!

The arms can go up and down. 擡手放下。

The legs can go up and down. 踢腿放下。

The legs can go up and down. 踢腿放下。

Hi!Ho!HI!HO! 嘿吼嘿吼!

The legs can go up and down. 踢腿放下。


Two little red apples are on a tree. 樹上有兩個紅蘋果。

I look at them and they look at me. 我看著他們,他們看著我。

Come down,please! 下了呀! Come down,please! 下來呀!

They fall on my head and drop at my feet. 它們掉在我的頭上然後落到我腳邊。