當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 傷感說說 - 「晚安」英文的唯美句子說說,字字唯美


在有生的瞬間能遇到妳,竟花光所有運氣。-----林夕In the moment of life can meet you, actually spent all the luck. -----Lin X

踏破二十載風雨路,學院星空壹年期,錯壹步,壹生苦,空余笑靨如初。Through 20 years of wind and rain Road, the college stars a year, wrong step, life hard, spare smile as before.

小兔子想吃糖,長頸鹿想彎腰,我是真的很想妳。Rabbit wants to eat sugar, giraffe wants to bend down, I really miss you.

喜歡雲淡風清的心情,鐘情拈花微笑的表情,享受斜風細雨的天空I like the mood of cloud and light wind, love the expression of picking flowers and smiling, and enjoy the sky with slanting wind and drizzle

冬天想要小跑壹下,跑啊跑,跑進妳心裏。Winter want to trot, run and run, run into your heart.

桃花點綴著愛情,愛情點綴著桃花,花開花落中,愛在步步向前。Peach blossom embellishments love, love embellishments peach blossom, love is moving forward step by step.

沒什麽緣故,只是我覺得妳長得好看,聞著香甜,便心生歡喜,妳若多來壹時,我便多歡喜壹時。There is no reason, but I think you look good and smell sweet, then my heart is happy, if you come more, I will be more happy for a while.

有壹天晚上夢壹場,妳白發蒼蒼說帶我流浪我還是沒猶豫就隨妳去了天堂。One night a dream, you white hair said to take me wandering, I did not hesitate to follow you to heaven.

愛壹個不愛妳的人,就像在機場等壹艘船。To love someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a boat at the airport.

別人只會誇妳 溫柔懂事脾氣好 真正在乎妳的人 才會關心妳是不是受了委屈。Others will only praise you for being gentle, sensible and good tempered. People who really care about you will care whether you have been wronged.