當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 8個含有動物的英語常用短語


在英語中有不少短語中含有動物,比如我們熟悉的 "rain cats and dogs" (雨下得很大),"eat like a horse" (吃的很多),"night owl" (夜貓子,習慣熬夜的人)。這些俗語常用於口語。但還有壹些含有動物的短語在英語學習中可能不是那麽為人熟知,在美國的雜誌文章及日常會話中也經常出現。


1. The Lion’s Share


“Smart TVs represent the lion's share of new televisions.”


2. Quit Cold Turkey?

"Quit cold turkey" 或 "quit something cold turkey" 直譯舍棄冷了的火雞,意為斷然放棄某種習慣,如抽煙,喝酒,打遊戲。重點在於突然戒掉,而不是壹點點的減少直至停止。

“Some people can quit cold turkey, while others may need additional resources to help kick the habit of smoking.”


“Charlie quitted drinking cold turkey.”


3. Open a Can of Worms

直譯打開了壹罐蟲子,意為在試圖解決或回答壹個問題時,卻由此引來意想不到的新問題(when you try to solve a problem or answer a question, but you only create more problems or more questions)。

"I offered to help Megan with her job hunt, but it was like opening a can of worms. I had to deal with her emotional problems."


4. Eagle Eyes

字面意思鷹眼,解釋為目光銳利,不放過壹點細節。 當描述壹個人有eagle eyes時,也就是說沒什麽能逃過他/她的眼睛了。

"Tesco shoppers across the country with eagle eyes have noticed something is amiss with the supermarket's trolleys."?


5. Guinea Pig


"They take every measure available to avoid being the next Guinea pig in Putin's geopolitical experiment."


6. Weasel out of Something

Weasel 是鼬鼠/黃鼠狼,以狡猾著稱。當壹個人"weasel out of something" 時也就是說他/她狡猾地逃避責任。

"He managed to weasel out of a speeding ticket in Oregon. "


7. Let the Cat out of the Bag


"Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin let the cat out of the bag a few days ago when he called for a dollar devaluation."


8. Wild Goose Chase


"André had the good sense to call me once he realized you'd sent him on a wild-goose chase."

