他拍了拍我的肩膀英文:(He patted me on the shoulder.)
But he patted me on the shoulder and played a joke with me.
(1)patted? 單詞釋義:輕拍pat的過去分詞和過去式
相關短語:拍了拍他的肩膀(Patted him on the shoulder) ? 我拍了他的肩膀(I patted him on the shoulder)
(2)me? 單詞釋義:(I 的賓格)我大調音階的第3音
相關短語: 媽媽給我做了很多好吃(Mom made me a lot of delicious food) 請告訴我為什麽(Please tell me why)
n.肩, 肩膀, 肩胛, …肩膀的, (衣服的)肩部
相關短語: 趴在媽媽肩膀上(Lie on mom\'s shoulder) 在肩上(On the shoulder))
相關短語:妳會喜歡來自花園的番茄(You'll like tomatoes from the garden) 我喜歡彈鋼琴(I like playing the piano)