they all laughed loudly . 他們都大聲地笑了。
he laughs best who laughs last . 別高興得太早了。
2、 smile——微笑
he smiled his consent . 他微笑以示同意。
she smiled to see the children so happy . 她看到孩子們這樣快樂,也為之莞爾。
3、 grin——露齒而笑
he was grinning with delight . 他高興得咧開嘴笑了。
the boy grinned from ear to ear when i gave him an apple . 當我給哪個孩子壹個蘋果的時候,他咧開嘴笑了。
4、 chuckle——含笑;咯咯地笑;低聲輕笑
he was chuckling to himself over what he was reading . 他對所讀的東西覺得很有趣,因而暗自發笑。
5、 giggle——傻笑;格格地笑
the silly school girls giggled . 女生們在傻笑。
i heard them giggle when i passed by the girls . 當我做過那些女孩子身邊時,我聽到她們在格格地笑。
6、 snicker——忍笑;暗笑(通常有不敬的成分)
on hearing his absurd opinion , i went snickering . 聽了他那荒謬的意見,我忍俊不禁走開了。
7、 simper——假笑;癡笑
he simpers at my word . 他聞我言而癡笑。
when i told him the thing , he simply simpered . 當我把那事告訴他時,他只是假笑了壹下。
8、 smirk——微笑,得意地笑;假笑
he smirked at everyone that passed . 他對過路的每個人傻笑。
an innocent smile of a child is much above the artificial smirk of a person in social intercourse . 壹個小孩的天真的微笑,實在勝於社交場中的假笑。
9、 titter——竊笑;忍笑
the girls tittered . ( =giggled ) 女孩子們格格笑了。
he told me that with a titter . 他笑著告訴了我。
10、 roar——哄笑,大笑
his jokes set the table in a roar . 他的笑話使得哄堂大笑
they roared with laughter . 他們哄然大笑。
11、 guffaw——喧笑;狂笑;捧腹大笑(壹般指不高尚的)
everybody in the room surprised at him as he guffawed on the occasion . 當他在那樣的場合捧腹大笑時,房間裏的人都吃了壹驚。
the crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon . 大家壹見小醜那種滑稽樣子,立刻哄堂大笑。
12、 cachinnate——大聲笑,哄笑
he cachinnated till his sides ached . 他笑得肚皮都痛了。
13、 horselaugh——(高聲大笑)如馬嘶壹般
he burst out into a horselaugh . 他突然放聲狂笑。
14、 cackle——(呵呵大笑)如母雞生蛋後的叫聲
those cackles from young male throats , the cultivated whoops from the girls , and the throb of the record player could only mean another of the impromptu parties . 那些男孩子們的呵呵笑聲,女孩子們的訓練有素的呼呼聲,以及留聲機上發出的節奏聲,足以說明這又是壹次臨時的舞會。
15、 chortle——歡笑;咯咯地笑
the children chortled all the time . 孩子們始終歡笑不止。
16、 ridicule——嘲笑;訕笑
doctors are often ridiculed in the plays . 醫生們常在戲劇裏被愚弄。
17、 deride——譏笑
they all derided his foolishness . 他們都譏笑他的愚笨。
18、 mock——嘲笑
the students mocked the seriousness of his expression . 學生們用模仿他的嚴肅神色來表示嘲弄。
the naughty boy mocked the blind beggar . 淘氣的孩子們愚弄那瞎了眼的乞丐。
19、 taunt——笑罵
he taunted me beyond endurance . 他的笑罵我不能忍受。
they taunted him into taking the dare . 他們揶揄笑罵他使之接受挑戰。
20、 twit——揶揄,挖苦
he twitted her with her timidity . 他揶揄她的膽怯。
21、 scoff——嘲笑
it was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it . 那是壹個偉大的發明,但起初許多人都加以懷疑的嘲笑。
22、 banter——戲謔,愚弄
we bantered him on the subject of marriage . 我們在婚姻問題上戲謔了他。
23、 rally——挖苦,嘲笑(古語)
the boys rallied john on his short haircut . 孩子們嘲笑約翰剃了光頭。
24、 chaff——戲弄,惡作劇
the boys chaffed the french boy about his mistakes in speaking english . 這些孩子們由於那個法國孩子說錯了英語而開他的玩笑。
25、 jeer——譏笑
your may jeer ; but can you do any better ? 妳固然可以譏笑,但難道妳就能做得更好麽?
26、 gibe / jibe——譏笑,嘲弄
they gibed at his singing . 他們嘲笑他的歌聲。
27、 sneer——譏笑
the proposal was sneered down . 那建議遭到人們的譏笑。
“ bah ! ” he answered with a curl of his lips . “呸!”他嘴唇壹撇地譏笑著。
28、 jest——取笑,開玩笑
many a true word is spoken in jest . 很多認真的話都被當作笑話講了。(諺語)
don’t jest about serious things . 正經事不要開玩笑。
29、 joke——開玩笑
i was only joking . 我只是開玩笑的。
they often joked him on his baldness . 他們常揶揄他的禿頭。
30、 scorn——嘲笑;輕蔑
he is a scorn to his neighbors . 他們嘲笑他。
31、 flout——嘲笑;侮慢
he often flouts at religion . 他常嘲笑宗教
don’t flout at me . 不要笑我。