Pacific Ocean, the People's Republic of Cna has a land area of about .
million ss km, and is the trd-largest country in the world, next only to
Russia and Canada.
From north to south, the territory of Cna stretches from the center of the
Heilong River north of the town of Mohe to the Zengmu Reef at the southernmost
tip of the Nansha Islands, covering a distance of ,00 km. From east to west,
the nation extends from the confluence of the Heilong and Wusuli rivers to the
Pamirs, covering a distance of ,00 km. Cna lies mainly in the north temperate zone, characterized by a warm climate
and distinctive seasons, with a climate well suited for habitation.The People's Republic of Cna has provinces, autonomous regions,
centrally-administered municipalities and special administrative regions .