當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 比較中國與印度《英語作文》


哦 對了 目前我在學的ABC天丅英語中心的導師要我明白 其實要掌握好英語是很容易的..絕對有個適合的研習空間以及闇練口語對象 最關鍵就是外教水平,標準口音才行,堅決經常口語學習,1對1家教式教學才能有.好.的學習成果。課程結束後需要重復復習課後錄音反饋 幫助加強記憶。若真的是沒有人可以指導的話 那麽就上可可或滬江得到課外學習資料研習 多說、多練、多問、多聽、多讀 壹下子英語水平會進步許多,學習成長是絕對突飛猛進的;Located in the east on the Asian continent on the western shore of the

Pacific Ocean, the People's Republic of Cna has a land area of about .

million ss km, and is the trd-largest country in the world, next only to

Russia and Canada.

From north to south, the territory of Cna stretches from the center of the

Heilong River north of the town of Mohe to the Zengmu Reef at the southernmost

tip of the Nansha Islands, covering a distance of ,00 km. From east to west,

the nation extends from the confluence of the Heilong and Wusuli rivers to the

Pamirs, covering a distance of ,00 km. Cna lies mainly in the north temperate zone, characterized by a warm climate

and distinctive seasons, with a climate well suited for habitation.The People's Republic of Cna has provinces, autonomous regions,

centrally-administered municipalities and special administrative regions .