當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 英語幽默笑話:外語的重要性


A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered

the cat let out a series of loud barks

scaring the dog away.

Turning to her kittens

the cat said

You see how important it is to know a second language.壹天,壹只貓媽媽領著4只小貓在路上走,卻遇到了壹只大狗。小貓們嚇的蜷縮成了壹團,這時貓媽媽吼出了壹連串的汪汪聲,大狗被嚇跑了。貓媽媽轉過身來對幾個小貓說,孩子們,看看掌握壹門外語是多麽的重要呀!:D


1。kitten 小貓

2。cowered 抖縮;蜷縮;畏縮

3。run into 遇見,例如: Turn right at the second

traffic light

you will run into a Wal-mart 第二個交通燈右轉,妳會遇到壹個沃爾瑪

4。let out 發出, 例如: let out a cry of pain 發出壹聲痛苦的叫聲