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看美劇學英語生活大爆炸219 新來的鄰居Alicia







Get over it. 別計較了

New topic, please. 說點別的吧

How else was I supposed to say it? 那我還能怎麽說

Why are you making it worse? 妳幹嘛要越搞越糟

I tried making it better. He wouldn't go for it. 我想搞好點 他不幹啊

I'm sorry, that really is how it works. ?抱歉 事情就是這樣

Enough with the guilt. 別再自責了

I have no immediate plans. 我現在沒這個打算

I'm holding out for the right part. 我感覺那些角色都不適合我

What are the odds of that happening? 那個發生的幾率又有多大呢

It's a little insulting, don't you think? 這有點侮辱人 妳不覺得嗎

I'm not even sure I get it. 我自己都不覺得搞笑

Yeah, I'll get to it -- don't nag me. 好的 我會來 ?先別煩我

Yeah, what's the occasion? 是啊 今天怎麽了

I'll run lines with you in the car. 我可以在車上幫妳對臺詞

Apples and oranges here. 性質不同啊

May I interject something here? 我能打斷壹下嗎

I got to ask you something. 我想問個問題

Can I talk to you about that for a second? 我能說兩句麽

Please don't take advantage of them. 請不要利用他們

How's it different from what you do? 和妳所做的有什麽不同

Okay, lady, you're way out of line. 姐姐 妳過了啊

I know you. You're stupid enough to break it up. 我知道妳肯定傻到想去勸架