A fruit on a tree,a tree on a fruit. - 水果長在樹上,樹長在水果上。
Pineapple - 菠蘿
I am green and when you cut me open I am red. You eat me in the summer time.
- 我是綠色的,當妳切開我,我是紅色的。妳可以在夏天吃到我。
Watermelon - 西瓜
How do you catch a monkey? - 如何抓壹只猴子
Climb a tree and act like a banana! - 爬到樹上裝成壹只香蕉。
Which fruit loves to take a girl to the movies? - 哪種水果喜歡帶女孩去看電影?
Date - 棗子 (date還有約會的意思。)