At noon, the house of two friends, my people less likely to drink and wanted to go downstairs to Japan unveils Xing Columbia. He had just reached the door, they saw a small card hanging on door handles, I would look closely, above read: playing a night of mahjong, do not disturb sleep. The next morning, I went down to the door when you pass by Xing Columbia, see the door handles, there are still a small card hanging in there, and glanced at the contents of the card changed, changed: the drunk, do not disturb .
翻譯: 掛牌過年
中午,家裏來了兩個朋友,我這人不太會喝酒,就想去找樓下的興哥來陪酒。剛走到他家門口,就看見門把手上掛著壹個小紙牌,我仔細壹看,上邊寫著:打了壹晚的麻將,請勿打擾睡覺。 第二天早上,我下樓路過興哥家門口時,見門把手上仍然有壹張小紙牌在那兒掛著,看了看,紙牌上的內容變了,改成了:喝醉了,請勿打擾。