有點長、梗有點深,看懂了會很好笑。不能解釋,解釋第壹比較黃第二破梗很無趣:One day a man walked into a bar and to his amazement, he saw a tiny person playing a tiny piano. Stunned the man asked the bartender where he got this amazing person. The bartender replied that inside the closet there was a fairy who will grant him a single wish.The man dashed into the the closet and as the bartender said, there was a fairy inside.Without hesitation the man wished for a million bucks, but instead 1 million ducks instantly appeared and filled the bar. The man angrily stormed to the bartender and screamed "I think your fairy is a cheater! I asked for a million bucks but instead I got a million ducks."The bartender shook his head and replied, "So... Do you really think I asked for a 12 inch pianist?"看在專門拿出電腦手工打這麽長壹段的份上,看懂的就給點個贊吧。沒看懂的就不強迫啦。