當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 生活大爆炸三男兩女和兩男兩女的段子,英語課上角色扮演用的


1、 我不需要那些不如我的人對我的肯定。

1、i don’t need validation from lesser minds.

2、 火箭科學家?火箭科學家?妳怎麽不幹脆告訴他們我在金門大橋收過路費?我是研究弦論的理論物理學家。火箭科學家!太侮辱人了!

2、The rocket scientist? The rocket scientist? Why don’t you just tell them that I’m a toll-taker at the golden gate bridge? I’m a theoretical physicist. Rocket scientist, how humiliating!

3、 我覺得我更像壹只杜鵑,妳知道的,把蛋下在普通鳥巢裏的壹種更高等的生物。當然,新生的杜鵑把所有的食物都吃掉了,它那些平凡的同胞只能餓死。對妳來說很幸運,比喻到此就結束了。

3、I always thought I was more like a cuckoo bird, you know a superior creature whose egg is placed in the nest of ordinary birds, of course, the newly hatched cuckoo eats all the food, leaving the ordinary siblings to starve to death. Luckily for you, that’s where the metaphor ended.

4、 我為人類悲哀。

4、I weep for humanity.

5、 從我媽給我斷奶後我就沒忘掉過壹件事。

5、I haven’t forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.

6、 我是“聰明人”?要被歸為“聰明人”我得去掉60點智商才行。

6、I’m “smart”? I’d have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as “smart”.

7、 妳們那艘要沈的船上又招募了什麽老鼠啊?

7、What rat have you recruited to the sinking ship?

8、 我是松香甘油樹脂(壹種有機黏合劑),妳是無機合劑,所以不管妳朝我的方向發射什麽語言子彈都會反射以後彈回去,回到它原有的軌道上,附著在妳身上。

8、I’m polymerized tree sap, and you’re an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns on its original trajectory and adheres to you.

9、 我沒有無視我妹妹,我無視妳們所有人。

9、I’m not ignoring my sister, I’m ignoring all of you.


Why waste food? In Texas, when a cow goes dry, they don’t keep feeding it, they just take her out and shoot her between the eyes.


Well, of course you don’t. You’ve never excelled at anything.


You continue to underestimate me.


I admit that spherical chicken joke that was hilarious, but it was straight downhill from there.


In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.