當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 求。。。英語笑話


Where is rice from?

One day, a man named Ai Zi said to the rich man, "Your sons are so stupid?and know nothing about the world. How can they take your property over after your death?" Hearing these words, the rich man became a little bit angry. The father said, "Everyone says my sons are very smart and praises them for their good virtue. What you say is sheer nonsense!" "Then let"s test them. Ok?" Ai Zi suggested. The rich man agreed. The father called his two sons before Ai Zi, who asked the question, "Do you know where rice comes from?" The elder son smiled and answered, "Anyone with sense knows the answer, that rice comes from the kitchen." The younger son blinked and said, "You"re wrong! How can you say rice comes from the kitchen! It indeed comes from the bag." The rich man looked at his sons and turned red with anger. "You both are so silly! Why don"t you ask me when you don"t know the right answer? You are both wrong! Rice comes neither from the kitchen nor from the bag, it comes from the barn!" The moral of the story is that one may do foolish things when he pretends to know the things he is actually ignorant of.


齊國有壹個富翁,他有兩個兒子,壹個比壹個愚笨。可是富翁還是把兩個兒子視為掌上明珠。 壹天, 艾子對富翁說:“您這兩位少爺整天糊裏糊塗,以後怎麽接管家業呢?” 富翁聽了很不高興,說:“真是豈有此理,我的兒子多聰明呀,當面誰不誇他們聰明過人!” 艾子笑道:“那我們來考考他們吧?”富翁同意了。 於是富翁把兩個兒子找來。艾子問:“妳們說大米從哪兒來的?” 老大嘿嘿壹笑,說:“這誰不知道!是從廚房來的唄!” 老二眨巴眨巴眼睛說:“不對!怎麽是從廚房來的呢?大米是從口袋倒出來的。” 富翁看看老大,又看看老二,氣得漲紅了臉,罵道:“兩個蠢材,不知道也不問問我,怎麽可以在客人面前胡說呢?告訴妳們,大米不是從廚房來的,也不是從口袋倒出來的,是從咱們的糧倉來的。” ?