我支持妳。 我也看不起那些用網上翻譯器翻譯的家夥。 我是說, 翻譯器翻出來的東西真的都只是垃圾, 不管語法還是詞匯的選擇都有很多毛病。 我們這些貨真價實的翻譯是用我們的頭腦翻譯的, 是出自我們對語言的熱誠或是想幫助別人, 不像那些人, 只為了賺取分數就不擇手段。
I have been doing translation on baidu.com for about 2 years now, and I do it only out of my interest in studying the languages. Every time when I saw people use online translator to translate, I feel really angry because what we genuine translators do is to carefully examine the sentence structure, choose the correct word to use and make sure that we had done our best in it, whereas those who use translator is merely copying and pasting with one click of button after that. They do not care about the quality of the passages being translated, and to me, this is a very irresponsible act, an insult to our country’s language.
我已經在百度做了大概兩年的翻譯, 我完全是出自對學習語言的興趣才給人們翻譯的。 每次看到有些人用網絡翻譯器翻譯都會覺得很不高興, 因為我們真正的翻譯翻譯時是要先仔細的檢查句型, 選擇正確的詞語並且確保我們已經盡了我們最大的能力去翻譯, 然而那些用翻譯器的只不過是拷貝粘貼, 再按壹下按鈕就行了。 他們更本不管翻譯出來的文章的質量, 對我而言, 這是壹種非常不負責任的行為, 是對我們國家的語言的壹種侮辱。
Of course, I do know that online translator is really convenient, and it is indeed the only choice for the starters. But still, we should try to translate ourselves, because firstly, computers can’t think like we do, we are the only solution for a perfect translation. Secondly, over-dependent on online translators will only make your lose your grip on the correct language, and therefore losing the purpose of learning the language. So, I strongly urge everyone to try to translate yourself and stay away from translators if you really want to master the language.
當然, 我也知道網絡翻譯器確實很方便, 初學者要翻譯也真的需要依賴它。 但是, 我們應該試著自己去翻譯, 因為首先, 電腦不能像我們壹樣思考, 所以我們才是完美翻譯的不二法門。 第二, 過於依賴網絡翻譯器只會讓妳無法掌握正確的語言, 所以學習語言的目的也就達不到了。 所以, 如果妳真的想要經同壹門語言的話, 我強烈建議大家都嘗試自己翻譯, 遠離翻譯器。
The above passage is written and translated by myself alone. You can check my scoring records in my account, almost all of my points are earned by translation. It is not difficult to master a language, but you must put in the painstaking effort to learn it. If you want to practice translation, translator is never preferred; your brain is definitely more effective. Trust me.
以上文章是我自己寫出並翻譯的。 大家可以去看我百度賬戶的得分紀錄, 差不多所有的分數都是翻譯得來的。 要掌握壹門語言不難, 但妳必須要下苦功。 如果妳要練翻譯的話, 翻譯器絕對不是首選, 妳的大腦肯定更有效。 相信我。
Thank you. Side_effect.
*樓下的各位朋友,其實在不應該使用翻譯器的同時, 也希望各位在回答問題時所給出的答案是自己辛苦想出來的,如果抄襲別人的答案, 這同樣是不對的。