Carl Jung thinks, fuck is a male spirit in the female." Every man's heart with the eternal feminine image, this is not a specific image of a woman, but a definitive female heart like this one, as was unconscious, is carved in the male organism tissue within the original origin of genetic factors, is our ancestors related to female all experience mark or prototype, it seems as if the woman had given all the impressions of accumulation."Ehrlich Neumann ( Neumann, Erich ) in the" great goddess" and further added:" A fuck in women, men experience the ' soul image, ' is his own inner female temperament and emotional, he is itself a kind of psychological factors. But a fuck ( as Carl Jung out from the beginning of the ) in part by male itself form, but also by the female prototype experience form, therefore, the image of a man fuck, in all times in mythology and art is found in its expression, is the female nature true product of experience, but not only is male woman projected performance."A fuck is perhaps Carl Jung proposed prototype of one of the most complex, it is the "soul " of the image, the human life or vitality essence. From" the soul" sense, a fuck" is the vitality of the thing, it depends on their own survival and the birth of life ... ... If there is no soul jumping and flash, who will be strong in most hobby -- idle -- in a corrupt."" A fuck images are often in a woman is like the", literary works in the iconic image of women such as Troy Helen, Dante, Milton and Eve Beyerdynamic Teli Qi and can be viewed as a fuck 's avatar. A fuck image also can be positive or negative, negative a fuck" low-level" function symbol, with dark, can induce male heart cold, reckless, soft, dark features, men astray. In the children's literature known to have Andersen's fairy tale" Snow Queen" in hijacked Kay snow queen, Lewis" Nani" in the temptation of Edmond Narnia he betrays his siblings of the white witch. Positive a fuck is the spirit world leader, she led the men into the higher spiritual realm, represents light and hope, is the ideal image of the female. Goethe's" Faust" such as the glorification of" the eternal feminine, bring us up." Tolkien's the Lord of the rings" in" the Faerie Queen Galadriel, elf princess, Princess Erwin Lohan at.