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1869年3月,法國傳教士、生物學家吉恩?阿曼達? 戴維,在四川穆坪(今寶興)的東河鄧池溝天主堂從事傳教活動時,意外地在鄉民處發現了壹張被稱為“白熊”或“竹熊”的“黑白熊”皮。

阿曼達? 戴維,法國著名生物和博物學家,1826年生於比利牛斯山區的巴斯克市,1900年11月10日逝世於巴黎,因其貢獻突出,獲封法蘭西科學院院士。1862年-1874年,他生活在中國,先後在北京、上海、成都等地傳教,還擔任著法國自然博物館的通訊研究員,著有《中國之鳥類》、《戴維植物誌》等書。1865年,戴維在北京南部發現了壹種“有趣的反芻動物”,這就是後來在中國消失的物種-麋鹿,戴維是壹個從不厭倦的科學家,經他鑒定的哺乳動物達到200種,而新種類居然有63種之多。










Really funny pun jokes


A panda walks into a restaurant, sits down and orders a sandwich. He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun and? shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go, the manager shouts, "Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for your sandwich!"

The panda yells back at the manager, "Hey man, I'm a PANDA! Look it up!" The manager opens his dictionary and sees the following definition for panda:

"A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats?shoots and leaves."



According to the reports in the Chinese Weekly Newspaper of Spain, Madrid Zoo - home of 2 giant pandas - has become a hotspot, raising the interests of businessmen to create advertisements about pandas.

Recently, an internet advertisement with a giant panda theme located at the exits of some major metro stations of Madrid has drawn quite a lot of attention. On this advertisement, a young man is talking with a cute giant panda joyfully. People walking by cannot help to look at it and it also makes the Chinese people who pass by think of their home.

How do giant pandas give birth? What methods do researchers use to help giant pandas breed? In conjunction with the national golden week, the newly built “Exploratory Hall of Panda Science” held its soft opening on October 1, allowing visitors to explore the mysteries of the giant panda and the research conducted at the Giant Panda Base.

The“Exploratory Hall of Panda Science” is one of the newly built satellite halls of the “Giant Panda Museum”. It is located on the first floor of the new Scientific Center Building with 1000 square meters.

When compared with other domestic museums aimed at increasing public knowledge about science and the environment, the “Exploratory Hall of Panda Science” stands out. This hall has six themes: Overview of the Panda Research Base, the Mysterious Giant Panda, Love and Marriage, Genetic Exploration of Panda, Cradle of Life, and the Panda and Its Companions. In addition, it showcases the research and achievements of the reproduction laboratory, genetic laboratory, nutrition laboratory, and endocrine laboratory. Among them,the “Natural Mating and Artificial Insemination”, “Giant Panda Cubs”, “DNA”, and “Hormone Determination of Giant Panda”exhibition areas enable visitors to have a better understanding of these amazing creatures.

To showcase all of this material, the “ Exploratory Hall of Panda Science ” uses a combination of traditional museum displays and modern technology. Pictures, real exhibition objects along with descriptions are side by side with multi-media touch screens and the latest in museum sciences. There are also 4 e mini movie theatres continuously playing short scientific films on giant panda breeding research, pregnancy, cubbing, genetic resources, and endangered animals.

And a lot of interactive items are prepared for a goal of “learning while playing” in consideration of curiosity of visitors.

For example, the interactive game “Searching for Love”, allows visitors to choose a mate for a male or female panda and see what happens – either a happy pairing resulting in healthy cubs or a less suitable match. This game demonstrates the importance of genetic diversity and proper genetic pairing between pandas. Another game, “Imitating sounds of Giant Panda”, allows visitors to listen to the vocalizations made by cubs and then imitate them,comparing the sounds made by the visitor and the cub.

At the end of their visit, visitors can send E-Cards via two touch screens connected to the Internet in an exhibition area named “Global Contact” so that they can send their hellos from the Giant Panda Base all over the world.

The“Exploratory Hall of Panda Science” is the result of a collaborative effort between experts from Zoo Atlanta, Main Street Design, Portico Group, and the expert group of the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. After two years of painstaking planning and symposiums, the common ground of design has been reached. And it is implemented by American Main Street Design finally. .

The“Exploratory Hall of Panda Science” welcomse you!