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Shredded euro confettiscandalisestown


PARIS (Reuters) - A lavish wedding where newly-weds weresprinkledwith shredded euro-note confetti has provoked outrage ina Frenchtown, a newspaper reported .


Liberation said angry locals in the southern town ofSetescrambled on the ground to scrape up the bits of 5, 10, 20 and50euro notes scattered at the July 8 nuptials.


People chucking money away in the street for everyone tosee!said Frederic, a resident quoted by the newspaper.


Around 200 people attended the ceremony, which included afireworkdisplay estimated to have cost 40,000 euros ($51,000), thepapersaid. The bride was the daughter of a local businessmen whomade hismoney in textiles.


Townspeople lodged a complaint with police since destroyingbanknotes is a crime in France. Police and a spokesman at the townhallwhere the couple were married declined to comment.



It might make a larger omelette but a bigger egg isn't necessarily a better one — and it certainly doesn't make the hen that laid it very happy.

That is the view of the chairman of the British Free Range Producers' Association, who says that if you want to be kind to hens, you should eat medium, not large or very large, eggs.

“It can be painful to the hen to lay a larger egg,” Tom Vesey, who keeps 16,000 hens on 45 acres at Dingestow, Monmouth, told The Times. “There is also the stress, which is a big problem as it takes more out of hens to lay large eggs. It would be kinder to eat smaller eggs. Whenever I go to the Continent people eat medium-sized eggs yet here the housewife seems to be wedded to large eggs.”

He also suggests people would do better eating a breakfast of two medium-sized eggs rather than one large one. “I prefer medium eggs,” he said, “They taste better, are less watery and don't run off the plate.”

Mr Vesey, who says he is determined to change egg-shopping habits, insists that farmers only produce large eggs because they receive more for them from supermarkets. The average price for 12 free-range eggs paid to a farmer is 77p for medium, ?1 for large and just over ?1 for very large.

Mr Vesey has been criticised by industry chiefs for raising the issue in The Grocer but animal welfare experts say his argument is valid. Phil Brooke, of Compassion in World Farming, said: “Selectively breeding hens for high productivity, whether larger eggs or larger numbers of eggs, can cause a range of problems such as osteoporosis, bone breakage and prolapse. We need to breed and feed hens

so that they can produce eggs without risk to their health or welfare.”



Tom Vesey在蒙茅斯的丁格斯托有壹家占地45英畝的養雞場,***蓄養了16000只母雞。他告訴《泰晤士報》記者:“對於母雞來說,產下壹個大個的雞蛋可能會是壹件痛苦的事情。母雞還要面對產蛋的緊張情緒。這也是壹個大問題,因為要下大個的蛋,母雞的付出也更多。還是吃小點的雞蛋吧,那樣更人道。歐洲大陸上的人們都吃中號的雞蛋,而英國的家庭主婦們似乎對大號的雞蛋情有獨鐘。”



雞蛋產業領袖批評Vesey先生在《雜貨商》雜誌中提出雞蛋個頭的問題是小題大作,但動物權利專家認為Vesey先生的觀點有道理。世界農場動物福利協會的Phil Brooke說:“無論是為了得到更大的蛋還是更多的蛋,有意促進母雞生產能力的做法都會造成諸如骨質疏松、骨折和脫臼等壹系列問題。我們在養殖母雞的過程中不應該損害它們的健康或者福利。