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1、妳盡可註視別人的臉,但請信任我這顆心。——普希金 You can look at other people's face, but please trust me this heart.

2、上天讓我們習慣各種事物,就是用它來代替幸福。——普希金 God let we used all sorts of things, is to use it instead of happiness.

3、不相信任何人和相信任何人,同樣都是錯誤的。——塞內加 Don't believe anyone and anybody, the same is wrong.

4、執著創造出人生;人生圍繞著任何妳所執著的東西而被創造出來。——奧修 Dedication to create life; Life around anything you are persistent and are created.

5、需要思索的不是別人的黑暗,不是天下的黑暗,而是自己心中的黑暗。——果戈理 To ponder is not of others, not the world of darkness, but the darkness in my heart.

6、愛情不是語言所能表達的,只有用生活、用生活的全部來表達它。——托爾斯泰 Love is not a language to express, only in the life, express it in the whole of life.

7、因為有利可圖才與妳結為朋友的人,也會因為無利可圖而與妳絕交。——塞內加 Because profitable just with your friend, will also break with you because of the unprofitable.

8、希望必定會破滅。希望就是在追求絕望,欲望中孕含了挫折。——奧修 Hope is bound to burst. Hope is in the pursuit of despair and desire of setbacks.

9、我們都在等待,等待著別的人來拯救我們自己。——托爾斯泰 We are waiting for, waiting for someone else to save ourselves.

10、如果按照教科書的指示行動,是無法獲勝的。——愷撒 If action in accordance with the instruction of the textbooks, impossible to win.

11、人生的價值,並不是用時間,而是用深度去衡量的。——托爾斯泰 The value of life, not with the time, but with depth to measure.

12、世界正處在旅途中,而不是停靠在碼頭上。——果戈理 The world is in the journey, rather than standing at the dock.

13、失敗之前無所謂高手,在失敗的面前,誰都是凡人。——普希金 Failure before doesn't matter, in front of failures, who are human.

14、最困難之時,就是我們離成功不遠之日。——愷撒 The most difficult, is the day of us not far from success.

15、很多時候,目的是正確的,只是選擇了錯誤的方法。——阿德勒 Most of the time, the purpose is right, just choose the wrong way.

16、只是想逃避困難的人,必然會落後於他人。——阿德勒 Just want to escape from difficult people, is bound to lag behind the others.

17、何必為部分生活哭泣,君不見全部的人生都讓人潸然淚下。——塞內加 Why cry for part of the life, have you noticed all the life to let a person tears.

18、人都是為希望而活,因為有了希望,人才有生活的勇氣。——托爾斯泰 People are live for hope, because there is a hope, people have the courage to live.

19、懦夫在未死之前,已身歷多次死亡的恐怖了。——愷撒 Many times a coward before death, death of terror.

20、人生如同故事。重要的並不在有多長,而是在有多好。——塞內加 Life is like a story. Important not in how long, but in how well.

21、沒有歡笑的寧靜是死板的,而沒有寧靜的歡笑是膚淺的。——奧修 No peace of laughter is rigid, not quiet laughter is superficial.

22、生活就是行動,而行動就是鬥爭。——別林斯基 Life is action, and action is struggle.

23、青春不是人生的壹段時期,而是心靈的壹種狀況。——塞內加 Youth is not a period of life, it is a condition in which a person's mind.

24、青春之所以幸福,就因為它有前途。——果戈理 Youth is happy, because it is promising.

25、要想讓壹切都服從妳,妳就必須首先服從理智。——塞內加 Want to let all obey you, you must first obey reason.

26、如果妳五官不正,埋怨鏡子於事無補。——果戈理 If your facial features, blame the mirror.

27、幸福的家庭都是相似的;不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。——托爾斯泰 Happy families are alike; Unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

28、不要灰心,不要絕望,對壹切都要樂觀,需要有決心。——果戈理 Don't lose heart, do not despair, to be optimistic about everything, there needs to be resolve.

29、世界上沒有幸福,但有自由和寧靜。——普希金 There is no happiness in the world, but have the freedom and peace.

30、妳走得越高就越孤單,妳走得越低就越和別人在壹起。——奧修 Go, the more you work the more lonely, the lower you go the more with others.

31、人並不是因為美麗才可愛,而是因為可愛才美麗。——托爾斯泰 People don't because of beautiful just lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful.

32、尋找,妳就會迷失。不尋找,妳就會發現。——奧修 Seek and you will be lost. Don't look for, you will find.

33、壹般就在部分之中;誰不屬於自己的祖國那麽他也就不屬於人類。——別林斯基 General is in the part; Who doesn't belong to our motherland so he doesn't belong to human.

34、我曾經默默無語地,毫無指望地愛過妳。——普希金 I once silently, without hope to love you.

35、在人生真正的旅途當中,妳自己的直覺就是妳唯壹的導師。——奧修 In real life the journey, your intuition is your only teacher.

36、誰能不遲不早地成熟,逐漸對生活的冷酷不幸學會忍受,誰就是幸福。——普希金 Who can not late early mature, not cold misfortune of life gradually learn to endure, who is happiness.

37、對真理的錯誤理解,不會毀滅真理本身。——別林斯基 Wrong understanding of the truth, won't destroy the truth itself.

38、假如生活欺騙了妳,不要悲傷,不要心急,憂郁的日子總會過去。——普希金 If life cheats you, don't be sad, don't be impatient, blue days will always in the past.

39、壹個人的精神思想是與其人生態度相壹致的。——阿德勒 A person's mental thought it is consistent with its attitude towards life.

40、沒人對妳說“不”的時候妳是長不大的。——托爾斯泰 No one said "no" to you when you are grow up.

41、在所有的批評中,最偉大、最正確、最天才的是時間。——別林斯基 In all the criticism, the greatest and most and most genius is the right time.

42、當人們回避命運的時候,就已經碰上了命運。——塞內加 When people avoid fate, fate has been met.

43、理智是最高的才能,但是如果不克制感情,它就不可能獲勝。——果戈理 Reason is the highest, but if not restrained emotions, it is impossible to win.

44、親朋密友之間的真誠協議,必須保留在信守不渝的友誼之中。——果戈理 Sincere agreement beeen close friends and relatives, you must keep in honor of friendship.

45、每個人都想要改變世界,卻沒人想過要改變自己。——托爾斯泰 Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wanted to change yourself.

46、和壹個人相處而能夠放松,那是愛的唯壹標記。——奧修 And a person to get along with and can relax, that is the only mark of love.

47、不知道如何生活的人,也就不知道如何去死。——塞內加 Don't know how to live, also don't know how to die.

48、如果壹個人不知道他要駛向哪個碼頭,那麽任何風都不會是順風。——塞內加 If one does not know he wants to which port, then any wind is favorable.

49、幸福的家庭有同樣的幸福,而不幸的家庭則各有各的不幸。——托爾斯泰 Happy family happiness, the same while unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

50、人的影響短暫而微弱,書的影響則廣泛而深遠。——普希金 The effects of short and weak, the influence of the book is extensive and profound.

51、壹切有理性的動物,都會無聊。——普希金 Everything has a rational animal, will be boring.

52、壹切真正的和偉大的東西,都是純樸而謙遜的。——別林斯基 All real and great things, are simplicity and modesty.

53、死亡消滅了生命,生命消滅了死亡。——別林斯基 Death destroy life, life destroyed death.

54、根據戰爭的慣例,勝者可以隨心所欲地支配戰敗壹方。——愷撒 According to the practice of war, the winner can follow one's inclinationsly dominate the defeat.

55、人的生活象廣闊的海洋壹樣深,在它未經丈量的深度中,保存著無數的奇跡。——別林斯基 Person's life is like a vast ocean deep, in it without the depth of the measurement, holds numerous miracles.

56、沒有鬥爭就沒有功績,沒有功績就沒有獎賞,而沒有行動就沒有生活。——別林斯基 No struggle, no merits, no merits, no reward, and there is no life without action.

57、永遠不要停留在平庸之中,因為那是種違背生命的罪惡。——奧修 Never stay in mediocrity, because it's a sin against life.

58、男人就該這樣,雖然背上背著山,也要輕描淡寫的說話。——愷撒 Man is the way, although the back carrying mountain, also to speak lightly.

59、真正的偉大,即在於以脆弱的凡人之軀而具有神性的不可戰勝的力量。——塞內加 True greatness is to fragile body of mortal and divine invincible strength.

60、如果妳不快樂,那是因為妳把事情看得太嚴肅了。——奧修 If you are not happy, it is because you see things too seriously.

61、所有過去的時間都是消逝了的時間;我們現在過的這壹天,是介於我們本身和死之間的壹天。——塞內加 All the past is gone with the time; This day, we have now is beeen ourselves and die one day.

62、如果壹個有身體缺陷的人思想上積極,並主動克服困難,那麽他也會獲得成功。——阿德勒 If a man has a physical defect positive thoughts, and take the initiative to overe the difficulties, so he will succeed.

63、妳的快樂就像是寫在水面上,而妳的痛苦卻像是刻在花崗巖上。——奧修 Your happiness is like writing on the surface of the water, and the pain is like on granite.

64、不是因為事情困難,而讓我們不敢做;是因為我們不敢做,事情才變得困難。——塞內加 Not because things difficult, so that we can't do; Because we don't dare to do, things bee difficult.

65、妳們必須記住自己,因為只有通過記住自己,妳們的蛻變才有可能。——奧修 You must remember to yourself, because only by remembering oneself, your change is possible.

66、我們稱人類對環境所做的改變為文化,即精神指導肉體的結果。——阿德勒 We call human changes to the environment culture, namely the spirit to guide the results of the flesh.

67、人人都在追求屬於自己獨有的壹種優越感。它取決於人們賦予生命的意義。——阿德勒 Everyone in the pursuit of their own unique to a sense of superiority. It depends on the people to give meaning to life.

68、當妳達到了自己存在的最高點,妳將會知道菩提樹下的佛陀到底發生了什麽。——奧修 When you reached their peak, you will know what has happened under the bodhi tree of Buddha.

69、壹般就在部分之中,誰不屬於自己的祖國,那麽他也就不屬於人類。——別林斯基 Generally is in the part, who do not belong to their country, so he doesn't belong to human.

70、只有勞動才能使人變得幸福,使他的心靈變得開朗、和諧、心滿意足。——別林斯基 Only work can make people bee happy, he became cheerful, harmonious, contented heart.

71、壹個人如果內在比較少,那麽他就會用較多的外在來取代。——奧修 If a person inner less, then he will use more external to replace.

72、不要故意出言中傷別人,因為那就不只是笑話,那既不好玩、也不幽默。——奧修 Don't deliberately making disparaging remarks about other people, because it is not just a joke, it is not fun, humor.

73、在壹件事情的開初,是不能測度它的全部情狀,以及經過的廣和深。——果戈理 In a thing of the original, is can't measure it all the circumstances, and after a wide and deep.

74、應付生活中各種問題的勇氣,能說明壹個人如何定義生活的意義。——阿德勒 The courage to deal with various problems in life, telling a person how to define the meaning of life.

75、讀書是最好的學習,追隨偉大人物的思想,是富有趣味的事情啊。——普希金 Reading is one of the best learning, follow the ideas of the great man, and is full of interesting things.

76、第壹個愛就是愛妳自己,然後其它的愛才隨之而來。——奧修 First love is to love yourself, and then other love to follow.

77、選擇妳所喜歡的,愛妳所選擇的。——托爾斯泰 Choose what you like and love what you choose.

78、生活多美好啊,體育鍛煉樂趣無窮。——普希金 How wonderful life is, sports fun.

79、人研究自然越深,就知道得越少!——果戈理 Study nature, the less you know.

80、青春還有將來,這正是它的幸福。——果戈理 The youth and the future, this is the happiness that it.

81、壹切都是瞬息,壹切都將過去。——普希金 Everything is rapidly, everything will past.