當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 總結壹下關於‘make’的詞組


made, making 做;制造;創造 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you've brought with you. 請將妳隨身攜帶的全部貨物寫壹份書面申報單。 Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil. 牛奶瓶蓋是用錫箔制成的。 This spade is made of iron. 這把鏟子是用鐵做的。 He made a model plane out of wood. 他用木頭做了壹架模型飛機。 整理(床鋪) 使;使之 Cruelty an injustice often make our blood boil. 殘暴與不公正常常使我們怒不可遏。 Water can be made pure by distilling it. 水可以通過蒸餾而提純。 Have I made myself clear? 我講清楚了沒有? His terrible stories made our blood freeze. (喻) 他講的恐怖故事嚇得我們渾身冰冷。 She will make him happy. 她將使他幸福。 賺(錢);掙得;贏得 He made a profit of $500. 他賺了500美元。 迫使;令 I can't make the horse go. 我無法使這匹馬走動。 I don't like milk, but she made me drink it. 我不喜歡牛奶,可是她強迫我喝。 使呈…;使看來像 This photograph makes her look very young. 她在這張照片中顯得很年輕。 計算而得;估計 I make the distance across the river 150 feet. 我估計這條河有150英尺寬。 總計;等於;得到…之數目 3 and 3 make 6. 三加三等於六。 計為 (指好的方面)成為 If you work hard, you will make a good sailor. 如果妳肯努力,妳將成為壹個好水手。 旅行(某壹路程);以…速度行進 We've made 80 miles since noon. 從中午我們趕了80英裏的路。 到達 The ship made port. 船抵港。 形成 Experience has made him a man. 經歷把他磨練成男子漢。 提出;給予 I'll make you an offer of £100. 我向妳出價100鎊。 正要 He made to speak, but I stopped. 他剛要說話,但是我阻止了他。 使有特色;完成 It's the bright paint which really makes the room. 真正使這房間具有特色的是鮮艷的油漆。 make as if to 裝著要(做) He made as it to speak. 他裝著要講話。 make believe 假裝 make it 及時到達;成功 make love (to) 與…做愛;與…性交;向…求愛 make one's way 前去;去 make n 樣式;牌子 on the make 急求得利; 急求獲得某種東西;謀求與他人性交 make for 移向;走向 攻擊(= make at) 造成 The large print makes for easier reading. 大號字體便於閱讀。 make of 懂得;了解;解釋 I can't make of what he wants. 我不了解他要什麽。 make off 匆匆逃走 make out 勉強了解 開出,寫(支票、賬目等) He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下來開了壹張支票。 成功 有(友好)關系 How did you make out with your classmates? 妳和同班同學關系如何? 聲稱;偽裝;把…說成 He makes out he's younger than me. 他聲稱比我年輕。 論證;證明 He's not such a good doctor as some people make out. 他不是某些人所說的那樣好的醫生。 make over 更改;修改 Can you make over this old shirt? 妳能修改這件舊襯衫嗎? 〈法〉轉讓財產 His wealth was made over to his children. 他的財產已移交他的孩子們了。 make up 和解;和好 化妝;化裝 She made up her face to look prettier. 她把臉化了妝以便看上去漂亮些。 捏造,虛構(故事、詩等) The boy made up a story; it was not true. 男孩編了個故事,這故事不是真的。 配(藥) 補足;湊足 縫制;做成 整理;收拾 make up a bed 整理床鋪 make up for 補償 How can we make up to you for what you have suffered? 我們如何補償妳所遭受的損害? make up for lost time 補回失去的時間 They hurried on to make up for lost time. 他們加速進行以補回失去的時間。 make up to 奉承;獻媚 make it up to sb. 報答;回報 (= make it up to sb. for sth.) make out of... 與 make of ...的意思相同。makeout of 常用於口語 They make bottles out of glass. 他們用玻璃做瓶 The box is made out of cedar wood. 這盒子是用杉木做的。 由……制造(與 from 連用,from 後接的名詞側重指加工,(原樣起化學變化)。 These wines are made from grapes. 這幾種酒都是葡萄釀造的。 Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉加工而成的。 把……做成……(與 into 搭配) They make glass into bottles. 他們把玻璃制成瓶。 We made the material into a skirt. 我們把那塊料子做成壹條短裙。 獲得,掙得 He soon made a name for himself. 他很快出了名。 Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. 霍克沃德用這種方法掙得大筆錢。 In the last try she made 7 points. 最後壹次她得了7分。 Last year they made a profit of £22,000,000 去年,他們獲得了2,200萬鎊的利潤。 認為,估計 I make the distance across the room 15 feet. 我估計這間房子有15英尺寬。 What time do you make it?(i.e. What do you make the time?) 妳認為現在幾點鐘? How large do you make the audience? 妳估計有多少觀眾? 整理,準備 My mother is making the bed. 我母親在鋪床。 Can you make the tea, John? 約翰,妳能沏茶嗎? Shall I make some coffee? 我煮點咖啡好嗎? 保持(速度),走 The train makes 10 miles an hour. 這列火車時速為40英裏。 We've made 70 miles since 9 o'clock. 自9點起,我們已走了70英裏。 make one's way 往前跑,前進 The hospital had been bombed and Hans had made his way back into Western Germany on foot. 醫院遭到了轟炸,漢斯就步行回到了西德。 We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream 我們加快步伐,朝那條小河迅速走去。 使得,迫使 A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. 俄國人可能看不出會使英國人笑出淚來的笑話有什麽可笑之處。 This made the driver following her brake hard. 這使得跟在她後面的司機猛地剎車。 Really honest people are ofter made to feel guilty. 真正老實的人常被弄得感到犯了罪似的。 使作為,使成為 He made her his wife. 他娶她為妻。 This photograph makes you an old man. 這張照片使妳看起來象個老頭。 Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people in this way. 收音機及電視機使得做廣告的人有可能用這種方法吸引千百萬人的註意力。 成為,變得 If you work hard, you will make a good teacher. 如果妳肯努力,妳將成為壹個好教師。 This makes our third party this month. 這成了我們本月第三次舞會。 When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right. 當電燈保險絲燒斷、家具變得搖搖晃晃、水管變得堵塞時,妻子們便會自然而然地認為丈夫總會設法修好的。 總計,等於 Three plus six makes nine. 3 加6等於9。(註意,此句中的 plus 是介詞,plussix 是介詞短語,作 three 的定語,因此,動詞用 makes,不用 make)。 Twelve inches make one foot. 12 英寸等於1英尺。 Two and two make four. 2 加2 等於 4。 構成,成為……組成部分 He made the football team. 他成了足球隊隊員。 Bread and milk will make a supper for us. 面包和牛奶將是我們的壹頓晚餐。 A single flower does not make the spring. 獨花不成春。 與表示動詞的名詞連用,即具有那個名詞的意思 It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave. 在進入壹個很深的巖洞之前,光是裝配繩梯和建立供應基地就需要八天之久。(make a descent 下降) Advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. 廣告者仔細研究了人的本性並且把我們的各種小小弱點壹壹分類。(make a close study 仔細研究) He knows that he had made a real discovery. 他知道他已經發現了壹件真正的珍品。(make a real discovery 發現了壹件真正的珍品) A shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship. 某輪船公司要求賠賞打撈沈船的費用。(make a claim 要求) 進行 Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. 壹年時間過去了,才有人進行第壹次嘗試。 We often go out to make social investigation. 我們經常出去進行社會調查。 趕上(用於俗語) If you hurry, you can make the next train. 妳如果快點,還可以趕上下壹趟火車。 I don't think she'll make 8 o'clock flight. 我認為她趕不上 8 點的班機。 寫作,訂立 She's making a shopping-list, Tom. 湯姆,她在寫壹份購物單。 He's making a sentence. 他在寫壹個句子。 He's making a plain. 他在訂計劃。 被列入 The novel made the list of the 50 best books of the year. 這本小說被列入全年五十本最佳書籍中。 Did you make the Dean's list? 妳被列入系主任寫的名單了嗎? make 後可接形容詞 make sure (certain) 弄清楚,搞確實。 I only came to make sure that everything was all right. 我只是來弄清楚是否壹切都無問題。 We must make certain that they can come. 我們壹定要搞確實他們是否能來。