can not sacrifice
not willing to give
I feel tired all of a sudden
Love is an utterly promise
5.想送給妳的每壹束花 想陪妳到黃昏的沙灘 隨著時間枯萎 夢醒了才後悔
I miss the every bunch of flowers that I give to you; I want to walk to the beach with you when night is going to fall; When time passes by, I start to regret after the broken dream
6.我會把回憶放在那個盒子裏 然後用時間忘記打開它的方法 讓回憶永遠停在那裏
I will put all our memories into that box. By and by, I shall forget the way of opening it, cause I want to make our memories stay.
7.因為在壹千年以後 世界早已沒有我 無法深情挽著妳的手 淺吻著妳額頭
Because 1000 years later, I will be not in this world. And I can't put your hands in mine affectionately, neither kiss your forehead with my heart and soul.
8.我沒有莎士比亞的天份 寫出我們的喜怒哀樂
I am not as talented as Shakespeare, and I can't tell you all our happiness, anger, sorrow and pleasure using my pen.
9.但是文字還是文字 不算話
But character is merely character, and it is not truely words.
10.想回到過去 試著讓故事繼續 至少讓妳不再離我而去
When I look back through, I try to make our story continue. I don't want you to leave me at least.
Perhaps love only exists in dreams.
12.想看妳看的世界 想在妳夢的畫面
I want to see the world you see, and I want to dream the picture you dream.
I finally understand that You have been my memory.
14. 我會發著呆 然後忘記妳 接著緊緊閉上眼
I am in a daze, forgetting who you are, and close my eyes.
15. 又想了壹遍 妳溫柔的臉 在忘記之前
I picture your soft face again before I forget
16. 如果說分手是悲痛的起點 那在終點之前 我可不可以再愛壹遍
If to break up is the start point of sorrow, can I love you again before the end point?
17. 如果難過請妳忘了我
If you are in the deep sorrow, please forget me.
18. 看著壹封封妳發給我的郵件 記憶浮現在眼前
My memories emerge upon my eye again when I look at those E-mails you send me before.
19. 我知道不能再留住妳 也知道不能讓自己沒有骨氣 謝謝妳給我的美麗回憶
I fully understand that I cannot make you stay, and I also know that I must be a man, so thank you for all the beautiful memories you have given to me.
20. 再說我愛妳 可能無法挽回妳
I can't make you stay even if I say I love you again.