so he went to the shop to have a look. After examining the bicycle carefully
Tom turned to the shopkeeper and said
"There isn't a lamp on this bicycle
but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement." "Yes
" answered the shopkeeper
"but the lamp isn't included in the price of the bicycle. It's an extra." "Not included in the price of bicycle?" Tom said angrily
"But that's not honest. If the lamp's in the advertisement
it should have been included in the price you gave there." "Well
" answered the shopkeeper calmly
"there is also a girl on the bicycle in our advertisement
shall we supply one for you too?"湯姆在報紙上看到壹輛很漂亮的摩登自行車的廣告,標價50英鎊,於是他到商店去看壹看。 湯姆很仔細地看完那輛自行車後,轉過身對店主說:“這輛自行車少了壹盞燈,但在廣告上的自行車是有的。”“是的,先生,”店主回答說,“但那盞燈不包括在自行車的價格裏面,是另外收費的。” “不包括在自行車價格裏面?”湯姆很生氣,“但這是不誠實的。如果燈在廣告上,它就應該包括在妳所標出的價格之內。” “嗯,先生,”店主冷靜地回答:“在我們的自行車廣告上還有壹個女孩,難道我們也要為您提供壹個嗎?”