One day a doctor went to a store and bought a pair of shoes. Before he left the shoes counter, he asked the salesgirl: " How long will this pair of shoes last?" 壹天,壹位醫生到鞋店買了雙鞋。他在離開櫃臺之前,問售貨員:“這雙鞋能穿多長時間?”
"It depends. If you don t use it, the shoes will never wear out."“看情況而定。如果您不穿它,那它們永遠也不會壞。”
Several days later the salesgirl fell ill and went to a hospital. And the happened to be the customer she served. After the girl got the prescription from the doctor, she asked: "How soon will I get better with the medicine?"幾天後,這位售貨員病了,去醫院看病。這位醫生碰巧是那位顧客。 當售貨員拿了處方後,問道:“吃了這藥,我的病多長時間才能好呀?”
"It depends. " The doctor answered, "If you don t use it, you will never get better. “看情況而定。”醫生說,“如果妳不吃藥,妳的病永遠也好不了。”