one
seat
an
old
man
sat
holding
a
bunch
of
fresh
flowers.
Across
the
aisle
sat
a
young
girl
whose
eyes
came
back
again
and
again
to
the
man's
flowers.The
time
for
the
old
man
to
get
off.Without
much
thinking,he
thrust
the
flowers
into
the
girl's
lap."I
can
see
you
love
the
flowers,"he
explained,"and
think
my
wife
would
like
for
you
to
have
them.
I'll
tell
her
gave
them
to
you."The
girl
accepted
the
flowers,and
then
watcahed
the
old
man
get
off
the
bus
and
walk
through
the
gate
of
a
small
cemetery
壹個老人坐在公交車上,手裏拿著壹束鮮花。旁邊的壹個年輕女孩眼睛不停地註視著那人手中的花。老人要下車了,他沒有多想,把鮮花扔到女孩的腿上,“我看得出妳很喜歡這些花。”他說道,“我想我妻子壹定會很高興我告訴她我把花送給妳。”這女孩收下了這束花,接著看見這老人下車走向壹個墳墓。