If you have not received my Christmas present, it has to be because of - your socks have a big hole! Bu Bu it fast! !中文:如果妳今天沒收到我的聖誕禮物,那壹定是因為--妳的襪子有個大洞! 快補補吧!!
a few days later I heard that you want to have eggs, that true? That I wish you lay eggs (Christmas) Happy! In a few days you have to Egg's full moon, I also wish you a round ahead of eggs (New Year's Day) Happy! Send中文:聽說妳過幾天要生個蛋,真的嗎?那我得祝妳生蛋(聖誕)快樂!再過幾天妳的蛋蛋又要滿月,那麽我就也提前祝妳圓蛋(元旦)快樂! 發送
I wish to Santa Claus on Christmas Eve: I hope that no matter how bad your feet, wear socks when tomorrow morning, I'll give you receive the full blessing, the warmth of your heart and feet ㄚ子!中文:平安夜我向聖誕老人許願:希望不管妳腳多麽臭,明早當穿起襪子時,能收到我給妳的滿滿的祝福,溫暖妳的心和腳ㄚ子!