急需英語搞笑話劇劇本 8人組的
8個人?難得找個這麽多人的本子. THE MASK 面膜 劇情大意: Julie是壹個很愛美的高中生,在班上人緣很好,但是她愛美的個性使得她變得有些自傲。對於外貌毫不在意的Cathy,因此是跟Julie完全搭不上線的同班同學。壹天下午,Julie在跟哥哥聊天後發現自己臉上長了壹個很大的膿皰,於是她將浴室裏那瓶神奇面膜敷在臉上,隔天早上起床後,可怕的事情就發生了…… Narrator Julie Cathy Debbie Teresa David Julie’s dad Julie’s mom Classmate A Classmate B Classmate C Classmate D Scene 1 Narrator: Julie is a very pretty girl who is popular with her classmates. But she has a serious problem—she is vain. One day, during lunch hour at school, the two pretty girls are talking which color nail polish to put on. Debbie: What colors should I put on nails for the math class? Look, my calculator is black but my shoes are pink. Maybe I can choose both of the colors. That will be cool. Teresa: What about me? I don’t know which color I should put on for the PE class, either. My sneakers are blue and the athlete uniform is orange. Would you advise me? (Cathy comes in)Oh hi, Cath, what do you think—blue or orange? Cathy: Gosh, I don’t know. Is this important? (Answer impatiently) (The other girls laugh) Debbie: God, you don’t know anything, do you, Cathy? Teresa: Yeah, you don’t even brush your hair in the mornings. Scarecrow! (The other girls laugh at Cathy louder.) Cathy: At least I’m not stupid like you! Don’t you have something better to talk about than make-up? Teresa: You are just jealous of us because you’re so ugly! Cathy: How dare you! (Cathy shouted, trying not to cry, and turn to Julie) Tell them to shut up! Narrator: Julie is offended by Cathy. She thinks Teresa is right. Julie: Look in the mirror, Cathy. (The three of them walk out.) (Cathy is irritated and tears drop.) Scene 2 Narrator: The same evening, Julie is trying to do her science homework when her brother comes in. (刪了好多,去我空間拿全文,字數好多)不滿意,自己找去: /Article/eng/Index.html