Wu Song returned home to visit his brother by jingyanggang. Drank a lot of wine at the Vatican, and walked to the gang. See a tree write: "proximate Jingyanggang tiger wounding, but there have been Gangke, into the team should be Gang Gang, do not delay. "Wu Song think this is the restaurant to write scary, in order to make the traveler of his shop, there is no reason to take it. Almost sunset, Wu Song went to a temple, see the temple and put up a document, Wu Song reading, just know the mountain really going back to the hotel, the tiger, and afraid of the store joke, so keep walking. Took effect, found a big stone, his body and just want to sleep, suddenly listen to big winds, a tiger came toward Wu Song, Wu Song busy Shanshen, hiding in the tiger behind. The tiger jump, Wu Song and hide in the past. The tiger is angry, shouted to Wu Song, with a tail call, Wu Song was tripped, while the tiger turned the moment, lean towards the tiger whistle lift transport laid down. Just listen to "click" sound and whistle hit on the branch. The tiger ran at Wu Song, Wu Song throw away half stick, homeopathy rode on a tiger, his left hand grabbed the tiger's skin, the right hand on a tiger, the tiger did not take long to hit the eyes nose and mouth ear bleeding everywhere, lying on the ground can not move. Tiger Wu Songpa dead, cudgel to hit the tiger did not see a gas, stop. From the Wu Song Wal Mart earthquake.
武松回家探望哥哥路過景陽岡。在岡下酒店喝了很多酒,向岡上走去。見壹棵樹上寫著:"近因景陽岡大蟲傷人,但有過岡克上,應結夥成隊過岡,請勿自誤。"武松認為這是酒家寫來嚇人的,為了讓過客住他的店,就沒理它繼續走。 太陽快落山時,武松到壹破廟前,見廟門貼了壹張公文,武松讀後,才知山上真有虎,要回去住店,又怕店家笑話,所以繼續走。酒力發作,找了壹塊大青石,仰身躺下剛要入睡,忽聽狂風大作,壹只猛虎朝武松撲了過來,武松忙壹閃身,躲在老虎背後。老虎縱身,武松又躲了過去。老虎急了,大吼壹聲,用尾巴向武松打來,武松又忙跳開,趁猛虎轉身的瞬間,舉起哨棒運足力氣朝虎頭猛打下去。只聽"哢嚓"壹聲,哨棒打了在樹枝上。老虎又向武松撲過來,武松扔掉半截棒,順勢騎在虎背上,左手揪住虎頭上的皮,右手猛擊虎頭,沒多久把老虎打得眼嘴鼻耳到處流血,趴在地上不能動。武松怕老虎裝死,舉起半截哨棒又打了壹陣,見老虎確實沒氣了,才住手。從此武松威名大震。