坎兒井(Karez)是新疆幹旱地區的壹種水利系統,由地下渠道將水井連接而成。該系統將春夏季節滲入(seep into)地下的大量雨水及積雪融水收集起來,通過山體的自然坡度引到地面,用於灌溉農田和滿足人們的日常用水需求。坎兒井減少了水在地面的蒸發(evaporation),對地表破壞很小,因而有效地保護了自然資源與生態環境。坎兒井體現了我國人民與自然和諧***存的智慧,是對人類文明的壹大貢獻。
Karez is a water conservancy system found in the dry region of Xinjiang, in which underground channels join wells to-gether. The system collects a large amount of rainwater and melted snow water that seep underground, and drains the water to the ground by the natural mountain slope for the irrigation of fields and the daily use. Karez reduces the evap-oration on the ground and does little harm to the surface, thus protecting natural resources and the ecological envi-ronment effectively. The system embodies the Chinese wisdom that people and nature co-exist in harmony, and is well recognized as a major contribution to the human civili-zation.