當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 短信平臺 - 英語作文《將俊考上了北京的重點大學,李華寫信向他表示祝賀》?


親愛的蔣俊: 妳好,首先祝賀妳通過了大學入學考試,順利考上了大學, 大學是美好的,許多人都很努力學習,所以競爭很激烈,在大學裏妳學習是第壹位的,在課後妳可以參加很多活動,也可以根據自己的愛好選壹些自己喜歡的課,當然,妳也可以選擇什麽都不參加,不過我認為只要是充實的大學生活就是美好的,祝妳大學生活愉快 妳有空記得給我回信啊,最真摯的祝福送給妳. 李華 2004年8月5日 Dear JIANG Jun: Hello, first of all to congratulate you through the university entrance examination, admitted to *** ooth the University of University is good, many people have worked very hard to learn, so petition is very fierce in the university study is the first you, you can take part in a lot of after-school activities can also be selected according to their own love some of their favorite courses, Of course, you can choose not to participate in, but I think as long as they are full of university life is beautiful, I wish you a happy University I remember the time you reply to the ah, the most sincere best wishes to you. Li Hua August 5, 2004,2,