is
ever
the
beginning
of
knowledge
as
fire
is
of
light.
知識總是從愛好開始,猶如光總是從火開始壹樣。
The
sting
of
a
reproach,is
the
truth
of
it.
指責帶給妳刺痛,正是它的忠實之處
-Thomas
dont
make
a
mountain
out
of
a
molehill.
不要小題大做。books
and
friends
should
be
few
but
good.
讀書如交友,應求少而精。
a
bad
beginning
makes
a
bad
ending.
不善始者不善終。
a
bad
thing
never
dies.
遺臭萬年。
a
bad
workma
Have
an
aim
in
life,
or
your
energies
will
be
wasted.沒有目標的壹生註定碌碌無為,確定壹個目標吧。——R.Peters
Living
without
Practice
makes
perfect.
熟能生巧。
2.A
friend
indeed
is
known
by
sharing
hardships.
患難是朋友的試金石。3.Plain
Activity
is
the
only
road
to
knowledge
.
(George
Bernard
Shaw
,
British
dramatist)
行動是通往知識的唯壹道路