Honor, fame, greatness, these are things that only a hero can achieve.
2. "沒有人的心靈能夠永遠保持堅強,人的情緒就像季節的天氣,會變化。"
No man's heart can remain strong forever, his emotions are like the weather of the season, they will change.
3. "智者從別人的失敗中學習,愚者從自己的失敗中學習。"
The wise learn from the failures of others, the foolish learn from their own failures.
4. "家是溫暖的港灣,但是也有離開的時候,必須去面對外面的世界。"
Home is a warm harbor, but there comes a time to leave and face the world outside.
5. "壹個人的勇氣不在於他能否戰勝別人,而在於他能否戰勝自己。"
A man's courage is not measured by his ability to overcome others, but by his ability to overcome himself.
6. "生活就像壹場旅程,我們需要在其中找到我們的道路,勇敢前行。"
Life is like a journey, we need to find our path and brave the road ahead.
7. "知識是力量,它能開啟人的眼睛,讓他看到以前看不見的事物。"
Knowledge is power, it can open a man's eyes and allow him to see things that were previously invisible.
8. "人生就像壹場戲,每個角色都有自己的臺詞和表演。"
Life is like a play, each role has its own lines and performance.
9. "智慧和勇氣是旅伴,他們壹起走過了人生的道路。"
Wisdom and courage are companions, they have walked together on the path of life.
10. "偉大的事跡不是靠運氣,而是靠決心和勇氣去實現的。"
Great deeds are not accomplished by luck, but by determination and courage.