1: Some people who have been successful in the society don’t attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge they learned from their university. Do you agree or disagree? People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement. The importance of theoretical knowledge to one’s success is a matter for debate. 例題
2. The advertising is discouraging people from being different individuals and makes people to be or seem to be the same. Do you agree or disagree? The influence of advertising on our buying behaviours is a subject matter. In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the influence of advertising on our buying behaviors.
1. 不要抄襲題目
2. 句子不要過長 例題
1. Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training? Sentence1 The treatment of criminals has been open to debate in recent years. Sentence
1) 加上常用句型:There is much controversy over whether to send criminals to jails or to let them receive education or job training.
2) 改變句子成分的順序:Some people think that to send criminals to jails is better than to let them receive education or job training.
3) 改變句子成分:Some people think that imprisonment is better than education or job training in treating criminals.
2. Police in Britain do not carry guns. Some people believe that it will make citizens unprotected, but some suggest that it would reduce violence in society. Discuss those two views. Sentence
1. In some countries, such as Britain, it is a convention that police do not carry guns. Sentence
1) 加 常 用 句 型 : There is a perception that it will make citizens unprotected, while a counter-argument is that it would reduce violence in society.
2) 改變句子成分的順序:Some people think that citizens would be unprotected, while some suggest that violence could be reduced.
3) 改變句子成分:Some people think that it fails to protect citizens while some suggest that it would minimize violence in society.
1. 壹種是闡明自己的立場
2. 壹種是不闡明自己的立場,只是簡單的說文章會討論些什麽內容。
1. Children in secondary school study international news as a subject, but some think that’s a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Sentence 1 International news represents one of the main sources of information from which we discover what is happening around the world. Sentence 2 However, when it comes to including it in the curriculum at secondary school, there is an ongoing debate. Sentence 3
1) 闡明立場法 支持:My personal view is that studying international news is of benefits to students. 反對:I am not convinced that it is necessary.
2) 不明確表示自己支持哪壹方面,而是指明文章會討論壹個事物的兩個方面 There are some points in both sides. 例題
2. Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and use up the world’s resources. Do you agree or disagree Sentence 1 There is little room for doubt about the convenience brought by air travel. Sentence 2 However, when it comes to its impact on the environment, no conclusion has been arrived at. Sentence 3
1) 表明立場 支持:As far as I know, its benefits are far more overt than its down sides. 反對:My personal view is that its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.
2) 不標明立場 This essay will compare and contrast its benefits and downsides.
問題類題目的開頭段 例題
1. What are the causes and solutions of the problem of the scarcity of water resource? Sentence 1 Water shortage is one of the most challenging issues to address in many countries. Sentence
2.(不要說有人爭議水資源缺乏的問題,而是直接關註它的原因) There are some factors leading to this problem. Sentence 3 (說清楚文章要討論的內容)
Some of the most factors will be discussed below, followed by some responsible solutions.
2. There is a gap between living in the city and living in the countryside. What are the reasons in your country and how can the difference be reduced? 如何拓展中間段 Topic sentence (one sentence only): highlight the central point of this paragraph, serve to support an argument. Supporting sentences: sentences for the extension, explanation and justification of the topic sentence (3 sentences if the main body is composed of 3 paragraphs, and 4to 5 sentences if 2paragraphs)
例題 1 Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects? A 社會類題目
1. 經濟角度:社會的經濟利益,經濟發展,發展經濟的契機等
2. 科技角度:科技發展帶來的機遇和危機,工業生產,高科技設備,媒體,電腦,自動化, 數字化等
3. 社會角度:社會的整體良性發展,環境問題,社區安全,執法系統,衛生情況,醫療建 設,公***設施,文化藝術,旅遊觀光,城市風貌
4. 公眾角度:公***利益,個人的利益和便利(衣食住行)
B 教育類題目
1. 社會能力和工作能力:年輕人在社會上的生存能力,交際能力,交流能力,實踐能力, 工作能力
2. 學校表現和學習能力:學生在理論知識方面的掌握和學習能力的提高,學校的課程安排, 設施配置,教學方法和社會要求的接軌,重視理論還是實踐,教學質量,課堂氣氛,教師素 質,教學方法的革新
3. 性格和感情的健康:學生是否有健康的業余愛好和課後活動,性格是否開朗和積極,行 為是否端正,中小學生在社會上遇到的問題,暴力,色情,媒體,社區安全,犯罪率的上升, 家庭背景,父母教育,對兒女行為的約束,家庭暴力,家庭問題,單身家庭,家庭的貧困問 題,父母行為對子女的影響。
4. 身體健康:學生是否參與體育活動,養成好的生活習慣,常見的問題是青少年過分使用 電腦,不註意體育鍛煉,生活習慣不好。 經濟角度: 廣告宣傳產品,促進消費,推動經濟 公眾角度
1:廣告讓消費者了解商品信息,比較商品優缺點,購買到比較適合自己的產品。 公眾角度
2:廣告有時會誇大其詞,誤導消費者,讓消費者購買自己並不需要的產品。 註意:
1. 最有說服力的觀點應該放在第壹段,第二段的觀點次之,第三點的觀點最弱
2. 觀點不要標新立異,最常見的觀點往往是最安全的和最有說服力的
1. One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable
2. Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.
3. Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending. 支持句的寫法 Explanation: 解釋和說明中心句的意思或原因 Extension: 將中心句或將解釋中心句的句子拓展壹下,闡述它的影響 Example: 在需要的時候,舉例說明,有助於更加形象地描述事情 Sorting: 當壹個中心句有幾個分論點支持時,可以將論點分類說明 Contrasting: 描述相反的情形,在無法落筆的時候特別有用。
1. One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.
1) Common knowledge is that advertising refers to presenting information, relating to a product or service by a variety of media, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, brochures and so forth.
2) With the presence of advertising, a consumer is able to acquire the latest information in the market, such as properties of a product or service, and thereby make a wiser buying decision.
3) By contrast, without advertising, a consumer is at the risk of purchasing, a product that fails to meet all of his or her needs, because of lack of knowledge of better alternatives in the market.
2. Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.
1) As said before, advertising is responsible to introduce a product, but in reality, it does more than that.
2) Advertising describes a product in such an impressive way and with adding so many visual appeals that it always succeeds in attracting the eye of the audience and driving them into a final purchase.
3) Besides, advertising reminds intended customers of their existing needs or creates fresh needs, keeping them aware that only by purchasing a product can their needs be met.
4) By these two approaches, advertising encourages spending and contributes to economic development.
3. Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.
1) It is a shared convention in the advertising industry that some properties of a product are highlighted while the others are simplified.
2) A product, when prompted well, will be highly desired by many, as customers are misguided to ignore the products’ downsides.
3) It accounts for why many shoppers regret their buying decisions before long, observing that what they have brought is not what they actually need or fails to live up to their expectations.
4) Cosmetics and dietary supplements are among those standard examples, costing individual buyers a lot but not achieving desirable outcomes.
1. 重新總結主體部分討論過的要點
2. 重新闡述妳的立場和觀點
3. 不要加入新的內容, 尤其是主體部分沒有討論過的內容。 In conclusion, advertising plays an essential role in society, not only making consumers well-informed buyers but also fostering economic development. However, consumers should beware of the misleading nature of advertising.
1. 不要用不熟悉的詞
2. 避免過度使用從句
3. 少用名言
4. 杜絕中國諺語
5. 少用第壹或第二人稱
6. 避免口語化的詞語
7. 盡量避免使用問號和感嘆號
8. 不要用所寫
9. 不要用比喻
10. 不要少於規定數字