Baron de Coubertin designed the Olympic Flag in 1913-14. It has five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green and red) on a white background. The ring's colours were based on the knowledge that at least one of these colours is on every flag of each participating country. The five interlocking rings represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Game.
The Olympic Flag was used for the first time in the 7th Olympiad in Antwerp, Belgium in 1920. It is paraded during the opening ceremony of each Game. At the end of the Games, the Olympic Flag is presented to the next host city by the Games host city.
A flame was lit during the entire event of the Olympics during the ancient Olympic Game known as the Olympic Flame.
A new flame is lit using a parabolic mirror to focus the rays of the Sun at the ancient Olympic Stadium in Olympia, Elis, Greece. The Flame is then transported to the host city where the last runner lights the large Olympic Cauldron by it and this burns throughout the Games. The Flame is extinguished during the closing ceremony. The Olympic Flame was first lit during the opening ceremony of the IX Olympic Games at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1928.
The first Olympic Torch Relay occurred at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games.
A friend of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, Father Henri Martin Didon, of the Dominican order, was principal of the Arcueil College, near Paris. An energetic teacher, he used the discipline of sport as a powerful educational tool.
One day, following an inter-schools athletics meeting, he ended his speech with fine oratorical vigour, quoting the three words "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (faster, higher, stronger).
Struck by the succinctness of this phrase, Baron Pierre de Coubertin made it the Olympic motto, pointing out that "Athletes need 'freedom of excess'. That is why we gave them this motto ?a motto for people who dare to try to break records."
This phrase, "Citius, Altius, Fortius" is the Olympic Motto.
The Olympic Game is the international arena viewed by millions where the athlete's spirit, mind and body endeavour to excel and achieve the higher standard than the presently existing ones; thus fulfilling the Olympic Motto.
Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games. The Olympic Creed reads:
"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."
The creed and motto are meant to spur the athletes to embrace the Olympic spirit and perform to the best of their abilities.
奧林匹克的憲章-Olympic Charter
《奧林匹克憲章》(Olympic Charter)是國際奧委會制定的關於奧林匹克運動的最高法律文件。憲章對奧林匹克運動的組織、宗旨、原則、成員資格、機構及其各自的職權範圍和奧林匹克各種活動的基本程序等作了明確規定。這個法律文件是約束所有奧林匹克活動參與者行為的最基本標準和各方合作的基礎。
The Olympic Charter (OC) is the codification of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism, Rules and Bye-Laws adopted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It governs the organisation, action and operation of the Olympic Movement and sets forth the conditions for the celebration of the Olympic Games. In essence, the Olympic Charter serves three main purposes:
a) The Olympic Charter, as a basic instrument of a constitutional nature, sets forth and recalls the Fundamental Principles and essential values of Olympism.
b) The Olympic Charter also serves as statutes for the International Olympic Committee.
c) In addition, the Olympic Charter defines the main reciprocal rights and obligations of the three main constituents of the Olympic Movement, namely the International Olympic Committee, the International Federations and the National Olympic Committees, as well as the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games, all of which are required to comply with the Olympic Charter.
《奧林匹克憲章》的內容有以下幾個方面。①闡述了奧林匹克運動的宗旨,確定了奧林匹克運動的目標,規定了奧林匹克運動的發展方向; ②界定了奧林匹克主義和奧林匹克精神等重要概念,奠定了奧林匹克運動實現其目標的思想基礎; ③將奧林匹克運動組織體系以法律條款的形式固定下來,對奧林匹克大家庭的各個成員,特別是三大支柱(即國際奧委會、國家奧委會和國際單項體育聯合會)在這壹運動中各自的位置、功能、任務以及相互之間的關系作了清晰表述和規定,既保證了它們各自的獨立性,又使它們互相聯系, 形成壹個完整的功能體系, 從而提供了壹個與奧林匹克運動相應相稱的組織基礎;④界定了奧林匹克運動的基本內容,如奧運會、大眾體育活動及奧林匹克教育與文化活動。
The tradition of the "Truce" or "Ekecheiria" was established in ancient Greece in the 9th century BC by the signature of a treaty between three kings. During the Truce period, the athletes, artists and their families, as well as ordinary pilgrims, could travel in total safety to participate in or attend the Olympic Games and return afterwards to their respective countries.
In the past, Olympic Truce helped people and countries avoid wars and conflicts, and helped people develop exchanges and build friendship.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided to revive this ancient concept in order to protect the interests of the athletes and sport in general, for it can still play an important role in today's volatile world.
In 1992, the first initiatives were launched by the IOC, in collaboration with the United Nations, allowing athletes of the former Republic of Yugoslavia to participate in the Barcelona Games. In 2000, during the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney Games, the South and North Korean delegations paraded in the stadium together under the flag of the Korean peninsula.
In July 2000, the International Olympic Truce Foundation (IOTF) was created with a view to promoting peace through sport and the Olympic ideal.
The Olympic Truce is symbolised by the dove of peace with the traditional Olympic flame in the background. In a world that is plagued by wars and animosity, the peace-dove symbol represents one of the IOC's ideals to build a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal.
The Olympic flame has brought warm friendship to all the people of the world through sharing and global togetherness. In the symbol, the flame is made up of colourful effervescent elements - reminiscent of festivities experienced in the celebration of the human spirit. These elements represent people of all races coming together for the observance of the Truce.