Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners. One’s manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also tend to show what his nature is. Good manners means good behaviour in social communication. A person with good manners is always agreeable companion, because he is always thinking of others and respect others. He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance. Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards. To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one’s daily behaviour—the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people. To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.良好的舉止是必要的,因為判斷壹個人就是要看他的舉止。壹個人的舉止不僅表明他接受的是什麽樣的教育和他的社會地位,而且往往也表明他的本質。 良好的禮儀手段良好的行為在社會溝通。壹個人具有良好的舉止始終是愉快的同伴,因為他始終是他人的思想和尊重他人。他不會推動擁擠的人群,靜靜地等待,但他的之交推進。良好的舉止是不是非常偉大的事跡,但他們可以告訴的人誰擁有它們是男子的最高標準。 要了解良好的舉止,人們必須首先牢記,它們產生於壹個人的日常行為方式,他對他人的反應和行為方式,他前面的人。要成為壹個人的禮貌,他必須是真正對他人的禮貌和尊重他人。總之,禮貌沒有成本卻收益頗多。