1.It' s a sign 這是註定的2.childhood issues 童年的問題3.run into a dead end 死路壹條4.lose my cool 不淡定了5.cool off 冷靜下來6.pul strings 套近乎7.drift out 開小差8.have a little spat 口水戰9.fix on the trivial 為小事糾結10.back off 讓開11.be a godsend 及時雨12.ravish me 蹂躪我吧13.I' m the third wheel 我是電燈泡14.be a little peeved 耍脾氣15.old prank 常用的笑話16.pipe dream 白日夢17.get me wrong 誤解我18.Mull over 考慮19.catch a break 休息壹下20.make a pact 約法三章21.It baffles me 讓我不解22future appears to be bleak 前途慘淡23.buoy my spirit 振奮精神24.put yourself down 擺平自己25.Be deported 被驅逐26.on trial 在實驗中或者受審27.reach an impasse 遭遇窘境20.be a natural at sth 擅長做某事29.be pedantic 迂腐的30.blend in 融入圈子31.choke on sth 吃...噎到32.be wiped clean 壹幹二凈了33.bonus question 附加題34.maternity leave 產假35.What do you say ?妳覺得呢?36.homunculus雛形人37.zip your hole 把嘴閉上38.make small talk 閑聊39.you have a wager 妳有賭註了40.buckle down 認真做事41.shack up with sb 與某人同居42.first come , first serve 先到先得43.tak the pressure off 卸下壓力44.housewarming gift 搬家禮物45.break dancer 街舞舞者46.creep sb out 惡心某人47.get a shot = take a shot 試壹試50ground- breaking strikes 極大beneath the exterior , there are cracks 在貌似完好的外表下充滿了危機93.in a moment filled with biblical resonance 醍醐灌頂94.career trajectory has taken a minor detour 職業道路有點偏差