當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 英語冷笑話諧音梗



1、What do you call a deer with no eye?

(沒有眼睛的鹿 是什麽鹿)

No eye deer (No idea).


2、What did a late tomato say to other tomatoes?


I will ketchup (catch up).

(我能趕上)(ketchup 番茄醬)

3、What do you call a bee from America?


A USB (US bee).

4、Which is faster, hot or cold?


Hot. Because you can catch a cold.

(熱更快,因為妳能追上冷/會感冒 catch a cold)

5、What did my dog say when I asked him the answer for two minus two?


He said nothing.

(他什麽也沒說 / 他說什麽也沒有)