1. 嗶嗶(bì)的聲音
2. 警笛聲
3. (電子裝置發出的)短促而清晰的信號聲(在西方電視廣播裏還用來粗話).
除非電臺認為放屁的聲音為不雅之音, 也許會用beep去遮蓋, 但壹般不用beep表示放屁的聲音, 而用Fart Sound指放屁的聲音(雖然文雅但不準確).
There was a girl who lusted after a man. She wanted him.
He asked her out for a date. He was to come to pick her up at 7pm on Saturday.
At 6 55pm she felt that she had to fart.
She did not want to fart in the house because she knew that it would smell and she did not want to have the man think that she had a stinky house.
The fart was balled up in her intestines. It hurt. She had to fart. She developed a quick plan.
When he walked her to the car he would open her door. She would fart while he walked aroud the car to his door. She would open the car window and fan all of the 'offensive' gas out of the car before he got in.
The man arrived at 7pm, walked her to the car and opened the door as planned. When she got in she farted, a very loud BRAAAAAAT. She opened the window and waved her hands to fan the smell out. She was comfortable.
The man got in, indicated to the back seat and said, 'Oh, by the way, I want to introduce you to my parents. They are going to eat with us'.