中西風俗習慣差異鬧出的笑話 4個人
Baoyu: Hello, Jim. How are you today? Jim: Not bad. What about you?
Baoyu: I’m OK. If you have time, you can come to my house to have dinner. Jim: (做貪婪狀)Really? I really want to go. Can I go tonight? Baoyu: (苦笑。我是說客套話而已啊。) OK, OK. You can come tonight.
Jim: (驚喜)You are my good friend. Oh, very very very good friend. I really want to try some special Chinese food. I like Beijing duck, dumplings, mapo tofu, shuizhu
fish, gongbao chicken, hongshao pork …. Baoyu: (無奈)Oh, my god! You are a chihuo.
Jim 敲門,寶玉開門。 Baoyu: Hello. Jim. This is my mother.
Baoyu’s Mom: (伸手,準備握手)Nice to meet you. Jim: (擁抱) Oh, Baoyu’s mother. You are so beautiful.
Baoyu’s Mom: (尷尬躲避)Welcome, welcome, welcome. Please sit down. Jim: (遞上壹包糖果)Here is some presents for you. Baoyu: Thank you. You don’t need to bring these things. Jim: Really? OK, I’ll bring it back.(放回自己的口袋) Baoyu: (壹臉黑線)Dinner is ready. Let’s have dinner. Jim: OK.
Jim: Oh,chopsticks! Let me try. I think I can’t use them. Can you give me a spoon. Baoyu: OK. Here you are. Please eat some fish.(給Jim夾魚肉) Jim: No, thank you. I can help myself. Baoyu: Don’t be courteous.
Baoyu’s mother: Please eat some chicken. Please eat some duck. Please eat some tofu. Please eat some egg…
Jim: (眼睛瞪大)You are so hospitable. I can help myself. Baoyu: Don’t be courteous. Eat… eat…(繼續夾菜給Jim) Jim: (尷尬無奈地吃)
Baoyu: I am so happy you can come. Let’s drink some wine. Cheers. Jim: (喝了壹口)Good wine. Good wine.
Baoyu: Oh, you must drink it all. Yes, yes, one cup again. (繼續倒酒) Jim: Oh, no no no … I can’t drink so much wine. Baoyu: Give me face, friend. Drink it all…
Jim: (無奈喝掉, 結果因為吃太飽喝太多暈倒。) Baoyu: Call 110.