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旁白:Long time ago, there's an idiot. His name is Billy. He is too stupid, so he doesn't have any friend. He is always a lone, but he likes to go to the fo-rest. There are many animals there. One day, the idiot goes to forest. There are birds, deers, rabbits beside him. Suddenly, There's a genius, Pook jump-ed to him.

傻子:Hi! The music is great. Would you please to teaching me?傻子作懇求狀

精靈:Ok! No problem. But I am hungry now.精靈作饑餓狀

傻子:Wait a minute! Here you are! 傻子拿出面包

精靈:~~ Delicious! Thank you! My name is Pook. Nice to meet you.精靈作好吃及滿足狀精靈脫帽示好

傻子:My name is Billy. Nice to meet you.

精靈:Do you like it?

精靈:Come on follow me. I will show you something.◎精靈開始教傻子吹笛.

傻子:This tree?

精靈:Yes! Go on! Go on!

傻子:Wow! What a lovely duck.

精靈:You can have it. This is a gift for you.

傻子:Thank you very much.傻子取出鴉後十分驚喜



PART 2 場景: 皇宮 (道具:椅子、城墻、) (道具:矛、搏浪鼓、醫藥箱、聽診器)


◎國王走來走去手足無措狀 ◎公主面無表情、百般無聊國王非常驚慌焦急狀


國王:Smile! Please smile

國王:Oh my poor little girl. Why do you never smile What’s matter with y-ou?

皇後:Please don’t worry my dear. I have a good idea. Where is the doctor?

國王:Oh yes! Doctor! Doctor! Hurry up!Hurry up!

西禦醫:Your Majesty! Princess is very well.

中禦醫:I’m sorry. Maybe she is just unhappy.

國王:Get away and never come here again.

皇後:No! I don’t believe. What shall we do?

國王:All right! All right! Don’t cry. Anyway I will do my best.

◎國王對著天空宣誓 ◎退場:國王牽著皇後哭哭啼啼 公主冷漠 侍衛雄壯威武

PART 3場景:大街(道具:菜籃、花籃、水果籃、城墻、鴉、笛)




旁白:There are many people on this street, is very noisy.

侍衛:Pay attention please! Pay attention please!

If somebody can make our princess laugh, he can marry with her. Our holy king will never regret!

傻子:The princess is so beautiful. She is my dream lover.

路人錚:Look him!Such a dirty man. He wants to marry with our princess.

路人雯:Don’t be silly. It’s impossible.

傻子:Yes….They are right, how can I get her? It just a dream.

精靈:Don’t be sad my friend. Trust me you can make it.

路人潘:Oh the duck is so cute. May I have a look? Oh ~ the duck is stick on my hands. I can’t put it down. Somebody help me.

路人雯:Cool down! I’m coming!

路人錚: I’m coming! I’m coming!

PART 4場景:皇宮內外 道具:(衛、笛、城墻)

※下音樂(森林狂想曲 )◎國王壹行人站在城墻上 ◎精靈領壹排人上臺

公主忍不住大笑 皇後欣喜貌

對白:( 傻子、國王、皇後、公主、精靈)

國王: Its noise what’s happening.

公主:It’s very funny.

皇後:Look! She is laughing. My child is laughing

國王:Thanks God! Take the man in.

侍衛:Yes my lord

國王:You made my daughter happy. What do you want?

I can give everything you want

傻子:well……I think….I mean……. If you don’t mind………

精靈:Please keep your words

皇後:Wait a minute! No I disagree. He is poor and stupid.

國王:Let me see.

公主:My dear father! If you regret Maybe I will never laugh in my whole life.

國王:Ok! Ok! Please don’t do it again. My sweet heart.

傻子:Would you like to marry with me?

公主:Yes I do.

精靈:It is wonderful. I told you : trust me you Can make it.

旁白:So they got married.

回答者:伊夢清雪 - 初入江湖 二級 3-11 15:00


第壹篇 In the Air(幽默笑話)

“Let’s go to the fair, Matt,” his wife said, “We haven’t been anywhere for a long time.”

Matt thought about this for a while. He knew he would have to spend money at the fair. At last he said, “All right, but I’m not going to spend much money. We’ll look at things, but we won’t buy anything.”

they went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. There were many things Matt’s wife wanted to buy ,but he would not let her spend any money.

then , in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane.

“Fun flight!” the notice said, “$10 for 10 minutes.”

Matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. However, he didn’t want to have to pay for his wife, as well.

“I’ve only got $10,” he told the pilot. ( 飛行員). “Can my wife come with me for free?” The pilot wasn’t selling many tickets, so he said , “I’ll make a bargain with you. If your wife doesn’t scream or shout, she can have a free flight.”

Matt aGREed, and got into the small airplane with his wife.

the pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.

When the plane landed , the pilot said, “O.K. your wife didn’t make a sound . She can have her ride free.”

“Thank you,” Matt said. “it wasn’t easy for her, you know , especially (尤其 ) when she fell out.”

第二篇 A Leaf from Heaven(寓言,後面有譯文和生詞)

HIGH up in THE clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flower plucked from the garden of heaven. As he was kissing the flower a very little leaf fell from it and sunk down into the soft earth in the middle of a wood. It immediately took root, sprouted, and sent out shoots among the other plants.

“What a ridiculous little shoot!” said one. “No one will recognize it; not even THE thistle nor the stinging-nettle.”

“It must be a kind of garden plant,” said anoTHEr; and so they sneered and despised the plant as a thing from a garden.

“Where are you coming?” said THE tall thistles whose leaves were all armed with thorns. “It is stupid nonsense to allow yourself to shoot out in this way; we are not here to support you.”

Winter came, and THE plant was covered with snow, but the snow glittered over it as if it had sunshine beneath as well as above.

When spring came, THE plant appeared in full bloom: a more beautiful object than any other plant in the forest. And now the professor of botany presented himself, one who could explain his knowledge in black and white. He examined and tested the plant, but it did not belong to his system of botany, nor could he possibly find out to what class it did belong. “It must be some degenerate species,” said he; “I do not know it, and it is not mentioned in any system.”

“Not known in any system!” repeated THE thistles and the nettles.

THE large trees which GREw round it saw the plant and heard the remarks, but they said not a word either good or bad, which is the wisest plan for those who are ignorant.

THEre passed through the forest a poor innocent girl; her heart was pure, and her understanding increased by her faith. Her chief inheritance had been an old Bible, which she read and valued. From its pages she heard the voice of God speaking to her, and telling her to remember what was said of Joseph's brethren when persons wished to injure her. “They imagined evil in their hearts, but God turned it to good.” If we suffer wrongfully, if we are misunderstood or despised, we must think of Him who was pure and holy, and who prayed for those who nailed Him to the cross, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

THE girl stood still before the wonderful plant, for the GREen leaves exhaled a sweet and refreshing fragrance, and the flowers glittered and sparkled in the sunshine like colored flames, and the harmony of sweet sounds lingered round them as if each concealed within itself a deep fount of melody, which thousands of years could not exhaust. With pious gratitude the girl looked upon this glorious work of God, and bent down over one of the branches, that she might examine the flower and inhale the sweet perfume. Then a light broke in on her mind, and her heart expanded. Gladly would she have plucked a flower, but she could not overcome her reluctance to break one off. She knew it would so soon fade; so she took only a single green leaf, carried it home, and laid it in her Bible, where it remained ever green, fresh, and unfading. Between the pages of the Bible it still lay when, a few weeks afterwards, that Bible was laid under the young girl's head in her coffin. A holy calm rested on her face, as if the earthly remains bore the impress of the truth that she now stood in the presence of God.

In THE forest the wonderful plant still continued to bloom till it GREw and became almost a tree, and all the birds of passage bowed themselves before it.

“That plant is a foreigner, no doubt,” said THE thistles and the burdocks. “We can never conduct ourselves like that in this country.” And the black forest snails actually spat at the flower.

THEn came the swineherd; he was collecting thistles and shrubs to burn them for the ashes. He pulled up the wonderful plant, roots and all, and placed it in his bundle. “This will be as useful as any,” he said; so the plant was carried away.

Not long after, THE king of the country suffered from the deepest melancholy. He was diligent and industrious, but employment did him no good. They read deep and learned books to him, and then the lightest and most trifling that could be found, but all to no purpose. Then they applied for advice to one of the wise men of the world, and he sent them a message to say that there was one remedy which would relieve and cure him, and that it was a plant of heavenly origin which GREw in the forest in the king's own dominions. The messenger described the flower so that is appearance could not be mistaken.

THEn said the swineherd, “I am afraid I carried this plant away from the forest in my bundle, and it has been burnt to ashes long ago. But I did not know any better.”

“You did not know, any better! Ignorance upon ignorance indeed!”

THE poor swineherd took these words to heart, for they were addressed to him; he knew not that there were others who were equally ignorant. Not even a leaf of the plant could be found. There was one, but it lay in the coffin of the dead; no one knew anything about it.

THEn the king, in his melancholy, wandered out to the spot in the wood. “Here is where the plant stood,” he said; “it is a sacred place.” Then he ordered that the place should be surrounded with a golden railing, and a stationed near it.

THE botanical professor wrote a long treatise about the heavenly plant, and for this he was loaded with gold, which improved the position of himself and his family.

And this part is really THE most pleasant part of the story. For the plant had disappeared, and the king remained as melancholy and sad as ever, but the sentry said he had always been so.

I. Reference Version (參考譯文)






女孩子站在這棵稀奇的植物面前——它的綠葉發出甜蜜和清新的香氣,它的花朵在太陽光中射出五光十色的焰火般的光彩。每朵花發出壹種音樂,好像它裏面有壹股音樂的泉水,幾千年也流不盡。女孩子懷著虔誠的心情,望著造物主的這些美麗的創造。她順手把壹根枝條拉過來,細看它上面的花朵,聞壹聞這些花朵的香氣。她心裏輕松起來,感到壹種愉快。她很想摘下壹朵花,但是她不忍把它折斷,因為這樣花就會雕謝了。她只是摘下壹片綠葉。她把它帶回家來,夾在《聖經》裏。葉子在這本書裏永遠保持新鮮,從來沒有雕謝。葉子就這樣藏在《聖經》裏。幾個星期以後,當這女孩子躺在棺材裏的時候,《聖經》 就放在她的頭底下。她安靜的臉上露出了壹種莊嚴的、死後的虔誠的表情,好像她的這個塵世的軀殼,就說明她現在已經是在上帝面前。

但是那棵奇異的植物仍然在樹林裏開著花。它很快就要長成壹棵樹了。許多候鳥,特別是鸛鳥和燕子,都飛到這兒來,在它面前低頭致敬。“這東西已經有點洋派頭了!”薊和牛蒡說。“我們這些本鄉生長的植物從來沒有這副樣子!” 黑蝸牛實際上已經在這植物身上吐粘液了。



“我想我已經把它紮進柴捆裏去了!”豬倌說,“它早就已經燒成灰了。別的事情我不知道!” “妳不知道!”大家齊聲說。“啊,愚蠢啊!愚蠢啊!妳是多麽偉大啊!”豬倌聽到這話可能感到非常難過,因為這是專講給他壹個人聽的。他們連壹片葉子也沒有找到。那唯壹的壹片葉子是藏在那個死女孩的棺材裏,而這事情誰也不知道。




New Words and Expressions 生詞和詞組

1. pluck v. 采,摘

2. sprout v. 發芽,抽條

3. sneer v. 嘲笑,譏笑

4. degenerate a. 退化的,變性的

5. brethren n. (古)兄弟,代指約瑟

6. swineherd n. 豬倌

7. melancholy n. 憂郁,意氣消沈

8. dominion n. 統治,領土

9. sentry n. 衛兵,警衛

10.treatise n. (專題)論文

回答者:刺猬餵餵 - 大魔法師 九級 3-11 15:08

How a Colt Crossed the River

One day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill. As he was running with the bag on his back, he came to a small river. The colt could not decide whether he could cross it. Looking around, he saw a cow grazing nearby. He asked, “Aunt Cow, could you tell me if I can cross the river?” The cow told him that he could and that the river was not very deep, just knee high.

The colt was crossing the river when a squirrel jumped down fron a tree and stopped him. The squirrel shouted, “Colt, stop! You’ll drown! One of my friends drowned just yesterday in the river.” Not knowing what to do, the colt went home to consult his mum.

He told his mum his experience on the way. His mother said, “My child, don’t always listen to others. You’d better go and try yourself. Then you’ll know what to do.” Later, at the river,the squirrel stopped the colt again. “Little horse, it’s too dangerous!” “No, I want to try myself,” answered the colt. Then he crossed the river carefully.

You see, real knowledge comes from practice.





