(They sit dialogue)
Frank: In my work online, there are three important issues --- people, documents and stories. One can find out the truth to find out the truth of the three. I need your help to find the truth. Do you know a man named Victor ? Nawosiji are you?
Emilia: Yes.
Frank: Do you know why he did this and from where it is?
Emilia: No, we are just friends only.
Frank: You have noticed his backpack hidden a can of baked peanut drying it?
Emilia (smiling, puzzled): So?
Frank: What would you do?
Emilia (laugh, think like): I would probably result in peanut butter bar.
Frank (laugh, pause): We know that he plans to go to the Ramada Lexington Pub. He told you why to New York?
Emilia: No.
Frank: He has told you where he lives it?
Emilia: No. We only encountered at the airport. I only know that he is a construction contractor, with a briefcase all day long. That's it.
Frank: He was a contractor?
Emilia: Yes.
Frank: He say this?
Emilia: ah ......
Frank: Emilia, I'm just curious. What men want a woman like you can, why pick on Victor ? Nawojisi it?
Emilia (firm): Is that your people will never understand such things.
NARRATOR: Just a love being a trial, another love had slowly ......
Deluoleisi is preparing her work, shocked to discover that the desktop has an anonymous letter -----
(Slowly lifted the letter, read)
Since the first moment to meet you, I love you. Your eyes close, I die, your eyes open, I come back; maybe you do not remember me, no. When you carefully look at me, you will love one. Let's Meet seven in 63 of the door see you. Love you
At this point Deluoleisi reveal faint smile. (Spring waves)
Enrique Cruz: Deluoleisi! You made it! You really come!
Deluoleisi (looked at under Enrique Cruz): You are mysterious people? !
Enrique Cruz: Yes, that is me!
Deluoleisi: how do you know my name?
Enrique Cruz: I not only know your name, I know what you like to eat, love to see what, want to hear anything as long as is on you, I know.
Deluoleisi: You .... you ....
Enrique Cruz: You listen to me ... (seize Deluoleisi hand affectionately on the look) ...
Deluoleisi (shy smile): Actually ... I have a crush on you for a long time ...
Enrique Cruz: Oh dear!
They moved to embrace.